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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Sacramento, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; and power facility.

Questions may be addressed via email to Nicole Quintero, Contracts Administrator at nicquintero@ucdavis.edu. University will accept prequalification questionnaires from general engineering contractors having completed projects that meet all the criteria listed in the Prequalification Questionnaire which in part includes: 1. Project work took place in one of the following industrial facility environments: a. CoGeneration Unit Facility b. Combined Cycle Unit Facility c. Simple Cycle Unit Facility d. Power Plant Facility e. Refinery Facility f. Boiler Facility g. Central Plant Facility The project will be located at the UC Davis Health Central Plant in Sacramento. Replacement of the ammonia injection system, including the ammonia distribution balancing manifold, header, ammonia injection grid (AIG), the carbon monoxide and selective catalytic reduction catalysts. This includes modifications to the existing underground storage tank for re-use of aqueous urea solution, removal of the existing anhydrous ammonia catalyzing skid, installation of the new skid equipment package, upgrades to the existing electrical control panel for the new UREA system. The UC Davis Health Central Plant is an operational hospital facility. The project will use the Design/Bid/Build delivery method, where the Contractor will work collaboratively with the University and its internal and external partners to validate the programmatic requirements and develop the construction documents, and subsequently obtain all approvals necessary for construction. The project will be subject to internal design review prior to each submittal to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJ for the Central Plant portion of project shall the UC Davis Health's Building Official and SFM. Project scope included one or more of the following: a. Ammonia Injection Grid (AIG) installation or replacement inside a Heat Recover Steam Generator (HRSG), gas turbine exhaust duct, or large boiler unit. b. Replacement of CO and/or SCR Catalyst inside a HRSG, gas turbine exhaust duct, or large boiler unit. c. AIG repairs inside an HRSG, gas turbine exhaust duct, or large boiler unit. d. CO and/or SCR Catalyst frame repairs inside a HRSG, gas turbine exhaust duct, or large boiler unit. e. HRSG or large boiler unit repairs involving the internal liner and insulation. f. Installing new HRSG penetrations through the internal and external liners. g. Installing or replacing AIG external plumbing outside an HRSG or large boiler unit. h. Installation of a UREA conversion system, UREA tank, AIG, AIG manifold, AIG interconnect piping, CO Catalyst, CO Catalyst frame modification, SCR Catalyst, and SCR Catalyst frame modifications related to a CoGeneration or Combined Cycle Unit. Maximum Design and Construction Cost: $1,750,000.00 Anticipated Project Award Date: October 2025 Anticipated Project Duration (Design, Approvals, Construction): 23 days Contractor must agree to comply with all proposal conditions including state prevailing wages, 10% bid bond, 100% payment and performance bonds, insurance requirements, and attend in its entirety the mandatory prequalification conference in order to prequalify for this project. The 5 proposers receiving the top highest scores will be invited to participate in a Level 2 interview. From the Level 2 interview process, the three (3) most qualified teams will be invited to participate in the contractor solicitation process (RFP Phase). A copy of the contract will be provided to the teams who successfully qualify to enter the Level 3 - RFP competition phase. Following the submittal of technical and cost proposals, a contract will be awarded to the team that offers the University the lowest cost per technical points. Event pre-bid note: Participants must join the virtual meeting before 2 p.m. Participants arriving later than 2:05 p.m. will not be allowed to submit proposals as a Design-Builder on the project. Attendance will be confirmed by contact information entered in virtual chat; please designate one person from each firm who will confirm attendance. The University reserves the right to reject any or all responses to this notice, to waive non-material irregularities, and to deem design-builders prequalified to submit proposals for the project. All information submitted for prequalification evaluation will be considered official information acquired in confidence, and the University will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted by law Completed Prequalification Questionnaires must be submitted electronically (in pdf file) no later than 2:00 p.m. Monday, March 24, 2025,

GC Bidding

Power Plant


Public - State/Provincial


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March 24, 2025

October 1, 2025


4840 2nd Ave, Sacramento, CA

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