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Published March 17, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Los Angeles, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Roofing Replacement Bid security in the amount of ten (10) percent of the lump sum base bid, excluding bid items, shall accompany each bid. The District's contract bond estimate is $9,164,000.00 The contract time is 510 days DVBE (5%), SBE (25%) The furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, services, and incidentals necessary for Work of the Roofing, at Westchester High School located at 7400 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045, as set forth in the Construction Documents which include, but are not limited to, the Drawings, Addenda and Specifications. BUILDINGS: 001BON, ASSEMBLY ROOM ARCADE #6, 002BON, 003DON, 004DON, 005DON, 006DON, 007DON, 008DON, 009DON, 010DON, 011DON, 012DON, 013CON, 014CON, 015DON, 017BON, 018DON, 019DON, C0012G, X0355L, 020DON, STORAGE UNIT, 023DON, 024DON, 028BON, 029CON, 030BON, 031BON, ARCADE #1, ARCADE #2, ARCADE #3, ARCADE #4, ARCADE #5, ARCADE #7, 033COT, S0027S, S0028S, S0029S, T0005N, T0006N, DSA BUILDING #1, DSA BUILDING #4, DSA BUILDING 22013, DSA BUILDING 21839, CLASSROOM BUIDING #1, CLASSROOM BUILDING #2, CLASSROOM BUILDING #3, CLASSROOM BUILDING #4, CLASSROOM BUILDING #5 A. The presence of asbestos-containing roofing materials and lead-based paint on affected components have been determined or are assumed to exist on one or more of the buildings referred to in the scope of work. See the asbestos and lead reports for locations of these materials. CONTRACTOR shall include as part of this contract asbestos and lead abatement and lead related construction work, as required. All such work shall be performed by a subcontractor included on the current list of approved abatement contractors. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate abatement and lead related construction of all asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and building components with lead-based paint (LBP) surfaces to be impacted by the project through the environmental consultant. This shall be done prior to any roof replacement work to ensure that no ACM and/or LBP are inadvertently disturbed. All ACM and/or LBP to be impacted by the project and requiring abatement or lead related construction work shall be clearly identified and marked by the CONTRACTOR with the assistance of the Environmental Consultant. The abatement or lead related construction work shall not commence without the approval of the Environmental Consultant. All ACM and/or LBP work shall be monitored by the Environmental Consultant. B. CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with any roof replacement work until notification is received from the Environmental Consultant that all ACM and LBP to be impacted by the project have been abated or managed, as required, and the work area is clear for normal access in accordance with the specifications. Unless otherwise noted: all roof removal and/or Asbestos/Lead abatement work shall be performed during non-school hours. C. Where the OWNER calls for reuse of existing materials, the CONTRACTOR may, at their option, remove and replace with new at no additional cost to the OWNER. D. Unless otherwise noted, eyebrows, eaves, and overhangs attached to a building listed in Section 1.01A are included in the scope of work. E. Unless otherwise noted all work on arcades, cafeterias, lunch shelters, children centers, early education centers, special education classrooms, and kindergartens are to be performed during non-school hours. F. Temporary barricades utilizing temporary chain link fence panels a minimum of 6' high and set a minimum of 10' from buildings and arcades, utilizing a double fence set up on all arcades spaced out 10 feet of each other. Stands shall be set at maximum of 12' on center. All staging areas, regardless of day or time, shall be completely enclosed with temporary chain link fencing with a minimum height of eight (6) feet. Orange snow fencing is not allowed as a barrier system. G. When removal of roofing is required for roofs higher than fifteen (15) feet, a completely enclosed trash chute is required. H. All bins, dumpsters and storage units shall be set on 2' x 2' x 3/4 " plywood minimum and care shall be taken in delivery and pick up as to not create any damage to grounds. CONTRACTOR to bear all expenses of repairs to damaged grounds. I. The contractor and all employees of the contractor shall wear photo identification while on District property. The ID shall include employee's name, contractor's name, and job classification. J. Remove and replace ALL equipment platform covers with new 22-gauge galvanized sheet metal covers matching existing in size and configuration. K. Remove and replace all insulation matching existing thickness with new polyisocyanurate with a minimum value of R7 per inch. L. Install pressure release vents on all concrete substrates per manufacturers recommendations. M. Install PVC walk pads from roof hatch to and around serviceable equipment N. Remove and replace roof hatches with all required safety access and rails as a complete system. O. Site Wide - Install dura-blocks attached to 80-mil textured PVC, install 2" round stanchion supports in place where the support curbs were removed/angle iron (must be in the same location and brace underneath if required. P. Install "Black" stenciled school address to main building per the specifications for PVC roofing. Q. Contractor shall use scheduling software such as Microsoft Project to provide a baseline schedule, monthly updates, and recovery schedules for the project. Contractor shall incorporate milestones found in the Phasing of the Work specification into the project schedule. A job aid on accessing and responding to LAUSD solicitations in the system is attached to Section 00 2113 - Instructions to Bidders. If unsuccessful in uploading the file, a bidder should e-mail richard.stodomingo@lausd.net at least two (2) days prior to the Bid Due Date for assistance.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 21, 2025

May 12, 2025


7400 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA

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