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Demolition, site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Raleigh, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of December 8, 2020, this project is in the final planning stage. A general contractor and architect has been selected. Construction is anticipated to commence January 2021. This project includes the renovation of an existing City of Raleigh Park and the project scope as defined by the project documents includes Demolition or resurfacing of the existing asphalt parking lot, demolition of walkways and restroom/concession building. New work including parking area striping, stormwater, utilities, sidewalk to Brentwood Road, internal sidewalks, stairs and handrails, Comfort station/picnic shelter and related structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services, Site electrical, Existing light pole removal and new light pole installation by others. Play area subgrade preparation and drainage for poured-in-place playground surfacing (by others), Concrete edging, planting and seeding as well as other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Playground surfacing and equipment to be installed by others. Attendance from the mandatory virtual pre-bid meeting will be documented by the City during the session. The Citys record of attendance resulting from this conference will be used to validate that submissions have been received from those bidders that were in attendance at the virtual pre-bid conference Potential bidders planning to attend the pre-bid virtual meeting should register by the close of business on Thursday, September 24, 2020 by sending an e-mail to Melissa Johnson ( with the Citys Construction Management Division. This email must include the name, company name and email address of the attendee(s). Invitations to the virtual pre-bid meeting will be sent out via e-mail to those registered by Monday, September 28th, 2020. Bidders are encouraged to download Zoom software on their digital devices and become familiar with the program prior to the meeting if they are not currently familiar with the Zoom video conferencing platform. Paper hard copy sealed bids are required and digital submissions are not allowed. In keeping with current governmental guidelines to minimize personal contact and maintain social distancing during Covid-19 pandemic related restrictions, Bidders have two (2) options for delivery of their bid documents: The public bid opening can also be viewed remotely via a virtual Zoom meeting session which will be provided to limit the size of group gatherings in accordance with current Covid-19 precautions. Viewing and participating in the bid opening remotely via this streaming option is strongly encouraged. Submitters desiring to have in-person attendance at the bid opening are requested to send only one (1) company representative, so that recommended social distancing between participants can be maintained and group gathering size properly limited. Facemasks are required for all those attending in person and proper social distancing measures will be maintained throughout the bid opening. Potential bidders planning to attend the bid opening virtually should register by Thursday, October 22, 2020 by sending an e-mail to with the Citys Construction Management Division. This email must include the name, company name and email address of the attendee(s). Invitations to the Zoom virtual bid opening meeting will be sent out via email by Monday, October 26, 2020. The Citys goal is to contract and sub-contract fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract amount to Certified MWBEs on construction projects of $300,000 or more, or contracts of $100,000 or more that include any State funding. No Bid may be withdrawn for ninety (90) days after opening time. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. o Demolition or resurfacing of the existing asphalt parking lot, demolition of walkways and restroom/concession building. o New work including parking area striping, stormwater, utilities, sidewalk to Brentwood Road, internal sidewalks, stairs and handrails, o Comfort station/picnic shelter and related structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services, o Site electrical, Existing light pole removal and new light pole installation by others. o Play area subgrade preparation and drainage for poured-in-place playground surfacing (by others), o Concrete edging, planting and seeding as well as other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. o Playground surfacing and equipment to be installed by others 15% MWBE Goal Project Location: 3315 Vinson Court, Raleigh NC 27604 This project includes the renovation of an existing City of Raleigh Park. Work shall include the demolition or resurfacing of the existing asphalt parking lot, demolition of walkways and restroom/concession building. New work includes parking area striping, stormwater, utilities, sidewalk to Brentwood Road, internal sidewalks, stairs and handrails, comfort station/picnic shelter and related structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services, site electrical, play area subgrade preparation and drainage for poured-in-place playground surfacing (by others), concrete edging, planting and seeding as well as other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Playground surfacing and equipment to be installed by others. Existing light pole removal and new light pole installation by others.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Demolition, Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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October 27, 2020

January 18, 2021


3315 Vinson Ct, Raleigh, NC

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