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Published February 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Brandon, Manitoba. Design plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Redevelopment of the Parkland Building to accommodate the Centre for Health, Energy & Environment. The project will redevelop the iconic 103-year-old Parkland Building, which will be home to a new Centre for Health, Energy and Environment, serving as a hub for learning and research innovation. It will provide much-needed capacity for the college to develop and enhance programming, graduating highly skilled individuals that are job-ready and proficient in their fields, Minister Allum noted. TIMELINE: Project remains on hold. Schematic design is complete. No additional details will be released at this time. Further update may be available summer 2023. *The Manitoba government will provide up to two-thirds of the total cost of the project, which is estimated to be $94.1 million, subject to project approval from the federal government. The province will also provide an additional $4 million toward environmental remediation work on the project.




Public - State/Provincial


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