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Published July 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation and addition to a stadium in Squamish, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the addition of a 71,257-square-foot, two-story above grade stadium; and for the renovation of a stadium.

The District is accepting proposals from innovative IPD Project Teams that possess the skills and experience required to lead all aspects of design and construction as noted in the below scope of work for the expansion, renovation and retrofitting of Brennan Park Recreation Centre (Brennan Park) located on 1009 Centennial Way Squamish BC V0N 0E2. The sites improvements include an existing recreation centre (ice arena, auditorium and a leisure pool), parking, lands and fields. The original building housing the arena and auditorium was built in 1977 with the pool wing added in 1992, with a current overall floor area of 71,257sqft. Scope of Work: stage one - budget $16M (firm) Pre-work, design & approvals Pre-development and overall planning of each project under this grant scope Pre-design, massing, schematic design, 50% design, 75% design, building permt package, IFT, IFC and as-builts Pre-construction Sustainability plan including operational GHGe and embodied GHGe 3,900sqft new build customer service (office admininstration) area including indoor/outdoor food/beverage area (300sqft), passive standard (min step code 5 level), attached to existing structure 4,500sqft lobby interior renovation including demoltion of existing commercial kitchen and addition of 2x new recreation rooms Mezzanine level interior renovation into program/fitness/gym area New elevator and new shaft, accessing second storey Ice rink change rooms interior renovation HEPA filter install, whole building Lobby/arena public bathrooms interior renovation Ice rink roof re-insulate with R30 new insulation (and demolition of old) Upgrade existing ice rink/pool heat recovery unit Value add areas such as possibility of working to post disaster level construction, grey water re-use, higher level of sustainability, addition of roof top use, roof top apiary, wall activity for kids, buming space, physical literacy etc Part landscaping upgrade around entrances FF&E Contingencies (design, construction and client side) Documents can be obtained from https://squamish.bidsandtenders.ca/ Award amount was not released for publication.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - City

Addition, Renovation

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1009 Centennial Way, Squamish, BC

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