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Published March 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a medical facility in Ottawa, Ontario. Completed plans call for the construction of a 2,500,000-square-foot, 12-story above grade medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

Infrastructure Ontario announced that the request for proposals (RFP) stage has closed for The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus Redevelopment Project. The Ottawa Hospital's new campus will be home to a state-of-the-art acute care academic hospital, that will support training of the next generation of health care workers and advance life-changing research. The new hospital will be one of Canada's largest and most modern teaching hospitals, that will include a trauma centre for Eastern Ontario, and will support The Ottawa Hospital's (TOH's) delivery of health care to the greater Ottawa and Eastern Ontario region, Western Quebec, and Nunavut. The new hospital will provide a full range of specialized services and programs, and outpatient clinics to treat the most complex injuries and illnesses. Following a fair and open two-phase RFP process that began in November 2022, one prequalified company has responded by today's deadline. The Ottawa Civic Hospital project is No. 27 on ReNew Canada's 2023 Top100 Projects report. The project is being procured using a new progressive public-private partnership (P3) approach, which will involve both a Development Phase Agreement with the development partner and - upon the conclusion of the Development Phase - a design-build-finance-maintain P3 Project Agreement to implement the project. Over the next few months, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and TOH will evaluate the RFP submission and enter into a Development Phase Agreement with the new Development Partner. During this phase, IO, TOH, and the Development Partner will work together to further define and refine project requirements, design, pricing and risk parameters. The Development Partner is expected to be announced in early 2024, and project construction is expected to begin following the Development Phase. IO and TOH are working with the Ministry of Health to deliver this project. February 20, 2024 The Development Phase is now underway with The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners, the Development Partner selected to further develop the project requirements and design, schedule, pricing, and risk parameters for The Ottawa Hospital's new campus redevelopment. Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and The Ottawa Hospital have signed a Development Phase Agreement with The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners after evaluations following an open, fair, and competitive request for proposals process that began in November 2022. The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners team includes: - Applicant leads: PCL Investments Inc & ED Capital Inc (Collectively The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners) - Design team: Parkin Architects Ltd & Adamson Associates Architects -Construction team: PCL Constructors Canada Inc. and EllisDon Corporation Joint Venture - Financial advisor: PCL Investments Inc. & ED Capital Inc. The Ottawa Hospital's new Campus Redevelopment project is being delivered using a progressive public-private partnership (P3) approach which fosters a collaborative development of project requirements, design, pricing, schedule, and risk management. The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners will now work collaboratively with IO and The Ottawa Hospital under the Development Phase Agreement, as well as with the Ministry of Health, to continue to advance the design and confirm fixed pricing. Once the Development Phase is complete, it is expected that The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners will enter into a fixed-price Project Agreement with The Ottawa Hospital to design, build, finance, and maintain the new Campus Redevelopment project.




Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, New Construction, Site Work

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