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Published October 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Lincoln, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

1. Demolition and removal of existing 4 UV banks, 2 bank supports, UV control panels, ballasts, and equipment pads, low level probes and level sensors, 2 channel baffle walls, air compressor piping, 4 sets of overhead ventilation leading to ballasts, and 3 vertical turbine pumps in the UV Disinfection Building (Building B12). Replacement of two transformers located west of the chemical feed building. 2. Installation of 4 UV disinfection banks and associated instrumentation, 2 flow conditioners, hydraulics systems center, system control center, 3 vertical turbine pumps, electrical switchgear and appurtenances, and flow relief pipe. Question Deadline 09/28/2023 at 3:00 PM CT Questions concerning this bid process may be directed to City/County Purchasing at (402) 441- 8103 or purchasing@lincoln.ne.gov. The Bidder shall be responsible for determining whether it is subject to the Living Wage ordinance in the event it is awarded the contract Bid security will be forfeited to the Owner as full liquidated damages, but not as a penalty, if the Bidder fails or refuses to enter a contract on forms provided by the Owner, and/or if the Bidder fails to provide sufficient bonds or insurance within the period as established in this bidding document. The bid prices shall include the cost of all required permits except for permit fees identified to be paid by the Owner. The Owner has obtained or is in the process of obtaining the NDEE Construction Permit. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all City contractor, construction, or inspection permits The Owner reserves the right to reject a response, withdraw an award notification, or terminate a contract if it is determined there has been a violation of these purchasing procedures.


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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7000 N 70th St, Lincoln, NE

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