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Published August 27, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 65,000-square-foot educational facility; library; and municipal facility.

The Community College of Philadelphia seeks multiple prime contractors to participate in bidding on the fully funded renovations project referred to as the Library and Learning Commons. The College encourages minority and small business enterprises to participate directly as a prime contractor or partner with another prime contractor. Bidding is expected to take place this winter and construction to begin early spring. The construction effort will be done in three phases, while the College is in full operations and fully coordinated around the semester cycles. Please submit all inquiries and questions via the Questions tab. Do not call or e-mail the engineer or owner. The proposed renovation affects approximately 65,000 sf of existing space and includes a new entrance vestibule and lobby, new exhibit space, toilet rooms, break room, offices, classrooms, group study rooms, open study space, quiet study space, a secured library stack room, a maker space, conference room, other support spaces and a café space. Renovation efforts will include, but not limited to: selective demolition throughout, new drywall partitions, new glass demountable partitions, new flooring, wall and ceiling finishes, new custom millwork, new stairs and ramps; limited structural modifications; new lighting, power and data; HVAC system upgrades, including equipment, distribution and controls; plumbing upgrades including supply, sanitary and vent piping, fixtures and accessories; new fire protection and alarm systems, new security systems including CCTV cameras and access controls; comprehensive technology infrastructure upgrades; new furniture, teaching aides and AV equipment. The Bid Forms for : Library and Learning Commons - (RFP#10052) - Electrical Construction, Library and Learning Commons - (RFP#10052) - Mechanical Construction, Library and Learning Commons - (RFP#10052) - Plumbing Construction and Library and Learning Commons - (RFP#10052) - Fire Protection are available on their respective solicitations. The College expects to award the following contracts (subject to change): General Trades Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Protection Bid Results - Dolan Mechanical Plumbing $214,000.00 McGoldrick Electric, Inc. Electrical $3,047,013.00 PT Mechanical Group, LLC Mechanical $1,924,453.00 Bedwell Company General $8,778,000.00 Total = $13,963,466.00




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1700 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia, PA

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