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Published November 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Anderson, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; for the addition of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Anderson Community Schools in Anderson, Indiana, is requesting sealed bids from interested firms for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and transportation necessary for additions and renovations at the Anderson High School located at 4610 S Madison Ave., Anderson, Indiana 46013. Multiple prime contracts will be issued to complete different phases of the overall project. All work shall be in accordance with plans, specifications, and intent prepared by krM Architecture+, 1020 Jackson Street, Anderson, Indiana 46016 T: (765) 649-8477, W.R. Dunkin and Son, Construction Manager, and their consultants. The bid categories are: Bid Category 1: Site, Concrete, General Trades Bid Category 2: Masonry Bid Category 3: Glass and Glazing Bid Category 4: Walls and Ceilings Bid Category 5: Flooring Bid Category Bid Category 6: Painting Bid Category 7: Fire Suppression Bid Category Bid Category 8: Mechanical Bid Category Bid Category 9: Electrical Interested parties may acquire plans and specifications in the following method: A one hundred percent (100%) performance bond, labor and materials payment bond will be required of the successful bidders.A ten percent (10%) bid security in the form of an acceptable bid bond or certified check shall be submitted with all bids. Bonds shall be payable to the Anderson Community School Corporation. Each bidder will be required to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity laws and regulations of the United States of America and the State of Indiana. All bidders are to follow the Indiana Public Bidding rules including being pre-qualified through the Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA). Note requirements/conditions for subcontractors to be pre-qualified. The owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid or combination of bids, and to waive informalities, irregularities, and errors in bidding to the extent permitted by law. Questions regarding the project, or requests for equal status can be directed in writing to the Construction Manager: Craig Dunkin, Project Manager W.R. Dunkin and Son, Inc. (765) 643-3321 estimating@wrdunkin.com




Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work





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4610 Madison Ave, Anderson, IN

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