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Saving Project...

Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and for paving for a road / highway.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a firm to provide the construction of S. Main Street Water Main Replacement and Resurfacing Project as described in the plans and specifications. Question Acceptance Deadline 12/01/2022 05:00 PM EST Questions are submitted online No Phase 1 Work - All Phase 1 work in S Main St from William to Liberty and within the William/Main and Liberty/Main intersections shall be completed as shown on the overall phasing plan. This includes the installation of watermain, storm sewer, paving, restoration, signal work, pavement markings, signage and all other work included in the Contract for this block. During this phase, the watermain shall be completed, tested and connected to the existing watermain at William, east and west on Liberty, and at the temporary connection just north of Liberty. Note that the Engineer may request watermain shutdowns to occur during non-standard hours to ensure minimal interruption to businesses along S Main St. All Phase 1 services shall be installed and connected during this phase. Existing watermain within Phase 1 limits shall be abandoned once the proposed Phase 1 watermain is tested, accepted, and put in service. Phase 1 shall be completed in its entirety and open to traffic by May 5, 2023. Phase 2 Work - All Phase 2 work in S Main St from north of Liberty to south ofHuron and within the Washington/Main intersection shall be completed as shown on the overall phasing plan. This includes the installation of watermain, storm sewer, paving, restoration, signal work, pavement markings, signage and all items of work included in the Contract for these two blocks (except for sidewalk, curb and pavement work on the southeast and southwest quadrants of Huron/Main intersection). During this phase, the watermain shall be completed, tested and connected to the existing watermain east and west on Washington and just south of Huron (connection just south of Huron shall be completed in such a way to limit disturbance to the surface at the Huron/Main intersection). The temporary Phase 1 watermain connection shall be removed and the Phase 2 watermain shall be connected to the Phase 1 watermain. Note that the Engineer may request watermain shutdowns to occur during non-standard hours to ensure minimal interruption to businesses along S Main St. All Phase 2 services shall be installed and connected during this phase. Existing watermain within Phase 2 limits shall be abandoned once the proposed Phase 2 watermain is tested, accepted and put in service. Phase 2 shall be completed in its entirety and open to traffic by July 12, 2023. Ann Arbor Art Fair (July 17 2023 - July 22, 2023) - No work is allowed within the Art Fair limits and shuttle routes between the Monday prior to Art Fair and the Monday following it (July 17, 2023 - July 24, 2023). This project falls within the limits of the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Phase 3 Work - All Phase 3 work in S Main St at the Huron/Main intersection shall not begin until after the Ann Arbor Art Fair unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. All Phase 3 work shall be completed as shown in the overall phasing plan. This includes the installation of storm sewer, paving, restoration, pavement markings, signage and all other work included in the Contract for this intersection. Phase 3 shall be completed in its entirety and open to traffic by August 25, 2023 All Contract work must be complete and open to traffic by August 25, 2023


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI

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