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Published January 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, new construction and renovation of a medical facility in Toronto, Ontario. Design plans call for the construction of a 479,200-square-foot, 22-story above grade medical facility.

Expansion of the Toronto SickKids Hospital. The scope of phase Two includes demolition of the Black and Hill wings, part of the original hospital building fronting onto University Avenue. The Burton Wing of the hospital will be renovated prior to demolition to provide addition decanting space. This phase also includes an addition to the Burton Wing to increase the number of beds to 430, including an approximately 120 bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and critical care beds in single rooms to provide improved infection prevention. A new blood and marrow transplant unit with specialized ventilation system; Approximately 19 new operating suites, adaptable space for new technologies and procedures. A new Emergency Department featuring 51 treatment spaces. The lower three floors of the building are recessed to provide a generous 7-meter sidewalk at ground level which features landscaping and public realm improvements. The bulk of the tower will be built out to the property line, projecting over the expanded sidewalk, with a mechanical penthouse and green roof. TIMELINE: The project has secured Provincial Ministry of Health approval for Stage One for construction of a new Patient Support Centre (PCC) tower which is followed separately. The project will be procured through a Design-Build-Finance Maintain Model. The architect has completed the Stage Two functional planning approval applications for submission to the Ministry of Health. Stage three, schematic and detailed design are underway. A call for Planning-Design Compliance Consultants and Procurement for working drawings and construction is expected in early 2026. Working drawings are expected spring 2026. The tender for construction managers for Early Works has been issued and is followed separately. Demolition of the Black and Hill Wings is expected to proceed in 2026 with renovation and expansion of the Burton Wing to follow. Construction schedules for the new hospital are expected to be finalized based on completion of the renovation to the existing buildings. A private donation has been given to this project. Construction schedules are undetermined for phase two pending construction of phase one and Ministry approvals and funding potentially 2030.




Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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August 2, 2026


Elizabeth St & Elm St, Toronto, ON

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