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Site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Maple Valley, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

County: King For additional information on this project, please direct your inquiries to the Project Engineer: Name: James Harper, P.E. Phone: (206)768-5601 Email: (CL 1 or 6, $5,000,000 - $7,500,000). A State Project on SR 169, MP 9.80 to MP 10.10. Contains Apprentice Utilization. Requires: Constructing a prestressed concrete bridge, excavating and reconstructing the existing roadway and stream channel, installing a section of King County Trail with pedestrian bridge, removing existing culverts, installing walls, grading, HMA paving, storm sewer, guardrail, pavement marking, temporary stream diversion, fish exclusion, dewatering, temporary construction access roads, temporary bridge, temporary diversion road, temporary erosion and sediment control, planting, traffic control and other work. 290 working days. Involves 142 items. 8205 CY rdwy excav incl haul, 1170 T gravel borrow incl haul, 11391 CY rdwy excav incl haul, 2829 T streambed sediment, 4266 CY struct excav CL A incl haul, 47534 LB st rebar, 326 CY conc CL 4000, 1066 LF prestressed conc girder, 396 LF traffic barrier, 127 LF sew traffic barrier, 6069 SF struct earth wall, 456 SY bridge approach slab, 935 T CSBC, 3280 T HMA CL 1/2 IN PG 58H-22, 4024 LF compost sock, 2170 SY seed, fert, mulch, 1543 EA small fruited bulrush, 1543 EA hardstem bulrush, 1543 EA soft rush, 1549 EA thimbleberry, 1539 EA baldhip rose, 1762 EA western sword fern, 2640 EA salal, 576 EA salal, 576 EA western red cedar, 1015 LF live fascine, 2170 SY fine compost, 3 ACRE soil amend, 4 ACRE bark or wood chip mulch, 11 EA compost-choked brushpile, 3 ACRE soil decompact, 80 EA LWM, 339 LF beam guardrail, 1298 LF temp barrier, 4570 LF profiled plastic line, 47 HUND raised pvmt marker, 4963 LF temp pvmt marking-long duration, 1166 LF conduit pipe, 14400 HR radar speed display sign, 2720 T gravel borrow incl haul. Contain Minimum Req Bid Type B Progress Sch: $10,000 Lump Sum Bids for: Temp stream divert, shoring or extra excav CL A, temp bridge, prefab ped bridge, erosion control and water pollution prevent, enviro compliance lead, temp dewatering plan, temp dewatering sys, perm signing, illum sys, temp traffic control, ped traffic control, struct survey, rdwy survey, E-ticket sys, reference exist pvmt marking, SPCC plan. Superstructure Includes: 37654 LB epoxy-coated st rebar, 2681 LB st rebar 211 CY Conc. CL 4000D, 43 CY Conc CL4000, 18 EA elastomeric bearing pad, 36 EA elastomeric transverse stop pad. WSDOT - SR 169, Ravensdale Creek Fish Passage *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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WA-169, Maple Valley, WA

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