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Published August 28, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving, outdoor lighting and new construction of a mixed-use development in Silver Bay, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

3805-99 (TH 61=001), 3805-79 (TH 61=001) NHPP 0061(343) In Lake County on TH 61 from 0.43 Miles North of Flood Bay Rd to 0.15 Miles North of CSAH 3 and in Lake County on TH 61 from 0.38 Miles West of Loop Road to 0.19 Miles East of Loop Road Grading, Bituminous Surfacing, ADA Improvements, Lighting, Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 3589 & Bridge No. 38019 and Grading, Bituminous Surfacing, & Bridge No. 38017 1.057 Miles DBE Goal 3.6 MNDOT - 084 - Grading, Bituminous Surfacing, ADA Improvements, Lighting, Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 3589 and 38017 Overlooking Lake Superior on the south, Bridge No. 3589 carries Minnesota Trunk Highway 61 (formerly Trunk Highway 1) over the Stewart River in a rural area just north of Two Harbors, MN. In 1924, the Minnesota Highway Department erected a 70-foot, spandrel-filled, reinforced-concrete arch detailed in the Classical Revival Style. The original roadway width was 19 feet. In 1939, the Minnesota Highway Department widened the arch by pouring a new section on the south (lake) side, so that the bridge could accommodate a 30-foot roadway and a single sidewalk (referred to as a curb in the plans), located on the south (lake side). As part of the remodeling, the State also replaced the original railings on both sides. Bridge No. 3589 is listed in the National Register of Historic Places for its notable architectural design. The bridge is currently in fair to poor condition and has undergone no major rehabilitation since its original construction dates. This Contract encompasses rehabilitation activities for Bridge No. 3589 including approach grading improvements, slope repairs and surfacing. In general, rehabilitation of Bridge No. 3589 consists of removal and replacement of the existing culvert fill material, damproofing the existing concrete arch, headwalls and wingwalls, replacement of internal drainage system, graffiti removal, historic concrete surface repairs, cast-in-place concrete retaining wall extending from the southwest wingwall, cast-in-place concrete knee walls at the base of the west slopes, slope stabilization on east slopes, and construction of a cast-in-place concrete moment slab, steel traffic barriers, and sidewalk on bridge surface.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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MN-61, Silver Bay, MN

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