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Published October 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Rockville, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Project will allow relocation of current maintenance work areas and administrative staff at Rockville's Gude Drive Maintenance Facility and move these functions to 6 Taft Court, as well as create an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and exercise facility for employee use. The Project primarily includes renovating the bottom two floors of the north wing, all three levels of the Atrium, and reconstructing the electrical room, as well as systematic and landscaping improvements. The north wing first floor has been redesigned to include locker rooms, shower/changing rooms, break room area, bathroom facilities, conference rooms, as well as office space for crew supervisors. The second floor will be occupied by the administrative staff within the Recreation & Parks and Public Works Departments, an EOC and an adjacent office for the Emergency Manager, training and conference rooms, support space in the form of satellite offices for the Human Resources and Information Technology (IT) Departments and an IT server room. A portion of the first-floor south wing includes a new employee fitness area and renovation of the building's main electrical room. Systematic improvements include within the project limits (north wing and atrium): roof replacement, HVAC system replacement, window system replacement, water service improvements, installation of an emergency generator and enclosure, restroom renovations, water heaters and circulation pumps, and fire system upgrades. The project consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, tools and services for the upgrades and other associated work as specified in the contract documents. SUMMARY OF WORK The 6 Taft Court project scope of work includes but is not limited to the following: Demolition of existing emergency generator, window and HVAC systems, and roof. Demolition of the North Wing, Atrium and electrical room. Renovation of first floor into an Operations Floor (locker room, break room, staff offices and conference rooms). Renovation of second floor into an Administrative Floor (staff offices, EOC, break room, dispatch offices, IT server room and training room). South Wing renovations to include creation of a staff fitness room and reconstructing building's main electrical room. Replacement of exterior doors and windows around the North Wing and Atrium. HVAC and roof replacement over North Wing and Atrium. Water service modifications and installation of a new water meter. Installation of an emergency generator and enclosure. Perimeter landscape improvements to include plantings and hardscape. 6 Taft Court is only being partially renovated for City of Rockville staff occupancy on the first and second floors in the North Wing only and MUST be ADA compliant. Renovations associated with staff occupancy of the North Wing third floor and majority of the South Wing will be part of a future phase. Social distancing will be enforced as per CD C guidelines where individual participants assume complete responsibility and liability in all matters regarding their site visit. Questions pertaining to this bid may be directed to Jonathan Pierson, Assistant Director via the City's Collaboration Portal no later than FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2022, AT 10:00 AM. Oral answers to questions relative to interpretation of specification or the bid process will not be binding on the City. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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6 Taft Ct, Rockville, MD

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