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Published October 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

PN- 1007-02, 5204-03 Owner requests bids from qualified Contractors to provide construction services in connection with Pump Station No 1 improvements at the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WWRF), which has a wet weather design capacity of 1,444 MGD raw sewage. The Work includes rehabilitation/rebuild of existing pumping units; improvements to major process piping and valves; facility architectural, electrical, instrumentation, structural and HVAC improvements. The WWRF is located at 9300 West Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, MI 48209. Questions Due Date: Aug 15th 2022, 12:00 PM EDT A. Mobilize labor, equipment, materials, tools, facilities, and incidentals to the site and provide temporary facilities, utilities, field offices, pest control, project signage, environmental controls, housekeeping and progress cleaning, construction waste management, site cleaning, site security and other general requirements specified in the Contract Documents throughout the duration of the Contract. B. Provide project management, project scheduling, project communications, project meetings, document management, project controls, project supervision, and contract management required to plan and coordinate the Work of this Contract with that of other contracts being conducted simultaneously at the site as well as with the Contracting Officer's operation and maintenance of the facility so that facility and system operations are maintained, and service is not disrupted during the course of the Work. C. Execute the Work with utmost care and safety, complying with applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations with respect to health, safety and the environment. . Maintain project records throughout the duration of the Contract, including but not limited to photographs, video, record documents, asset turnover forms, operation and maintenance data, and training documents as specified in the Contract Documents. E. The entire Pump Station 1 (PS-1) is to be improved. Every discipline has major improvements including process mechanical, HVAC mechanical, plumbing mechanical, electrical, I&C, architectural, structural, and site/civil. F. Improvements include but are not limited to the following: 1. Refurbish the eight existing raw wastewater pumps and bearings, with automated grease system and refurbished motors 2. Replace increaser pipes with welded steel pipe and add flow meters 3. Replace existing gates, valves, and actuators 4. Repair architectural features including new roofs, floors and doors 5. Demolish existing HVAC equipment and install new HVAC equipment 6. Replace electrical equipment in the pump station and EB-2 building 7. Construct a new electrical room with all new electrical equipment 8. Replace I&C equipment including a new pump health monitoring system and revised control room space 9. Construct paving and landscaping improvements 10. Install equipment provided by Others for MAUs and Discharge Gate Valves and Actuators 11. Remediate hazardous building materials from the site G. Seven (7) Make Up Air Units and Eight (8) Discharge Gate Valves with Actuators are being furnished by Others under a Pre-Procurement Contract. Owner is storing this equipment at the WRRF. Contractor is responsible for performing any required storage maintenance, cleaning, transport and handling from the stored location to the PS-1 facility, demolition of existing equipment, installation, start up, training coordination, and completing any other services not covered in the scope of work identified in Appendix 5- Discharge Gate Valve Pre-Purchased Equipment Details and Appendix 6 Make-Up Air Unit Pre-Purchased Equipment Details but required by the Contract documents. 1. Contractor is required to pay Use Tax applicable to this equipment.

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Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work





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9300 W Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI

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