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Published September 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Baltimore, Maryland. Conceptual plans call civil work for a multi-residential development, office development and retail development.

As of September 16, 2022, the Maryland Stadium Authority is no longer involved with this project. The site is in the process of being transferred to the city of Baltimore and they will be determining the best use for the site in the future. *The original solicitation is listed below for reference. --- The Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA) in collaboration with the Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) is seeking an Expression of Interest (EOI) from experienced firms qualified to lead the redevelopment of the State Center Complex (State Center) in Baltimore City. The EOI is the first step in a multi-step process to select a master developer for the State Center site. MSA intends to invite qualified respondents to the EOI to respond to a Request for Information (RFI). The RFI will serve as the basis for establishing a shortlist of firms that will be invited to respond to a Request for Proposal (RFP). State Center is a 28-acre government complex located in the Cultural Center/Midtown Baltimore area of Baltimore City. The site is bounded by Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Boulevard along the southerly boundary, Howard Street on the eastern boundary,Dolphin Street on the northerly boundary and Madison Avenue on the western boundary. Eutaw Street which extends southeasterly from Dolphin Street to MLK Jr. Blvd. bisects the site. The historic Fifth Regiment Armory building is located within the site boundaries. The site has access to the following modes of transportation. Highway/major thoroughfare via (1) Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard which provides direct access to the west side and downtown, (2) a direct connection to I-83 which provides north-south access to downtown, business/population centers north and (3) I-695 which loops the city. Subway via a station located within the site. Light rail via a station located adjacent to the site. Train via Penn Station to the northeast which provides inter-city rail connections including all of the Penn Line trains to Washington,D.C. Respondents shall acquaint themselves with the information contained in previous development studies, recently passed legislation and community forums associated with the redevelopment of State Center. This includes, but is not limited to, the following. The Baltimore State Center Site Alternative Land Use Study released by MSA in January 2018 The Expression of Interest response should include the following: 1. A letter of interest; 2. The name, title, phone number and e-mail address of the respondent's singlepoint of contact; 3. A brief narrative highlighting the firm's qualifications and/or capabilities including relevant experience; 4. A brief narrative describing how the firm would accomplish the project. Questions concerning this solicitation are to be submitted to:Al Tyler Maryland Stadium Authority 351 W. Camden Street, Suite 300 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Office Phone: (410) 223-4150 e-mail: atyler@mdstad.com The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.

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Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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September 17, 2022


300 W Preston St, Baltimore, MD

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