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Published August 9, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in River Ridge, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

BCI Burke playground design # 140-108441-5 (Or Approved Equal) 1. Custom Voltage Structure 2. Little Buddies Playhouse 3. Swings 4. Volta Spinner Component 1 - Custom Voltage Structure 15' X 19' RECT SHADEPLAY CANOPY (88") a) PIN, DOWEL, 1/2 DIA X 11: Hardened steel with a zinc chromate finish. b) INSERT, CONNECTOR 1" X1:1" x 11/4" HR steel bar. Finished with a baked on powder coating. c) MID SUPPORT, RECTANGLE (1: One piece welded construction of 1.900" OD 11 GA galvanized steel tubing. Finished with a baked on powder coating. d) ARM, TENSIONING: One piece welded construction of galvanized steel tubing. Finished with a baked on powder coating. e) RAFTER, S3000 LONG TENSIO: One piece welded construction of 1.900" OD 11 GA, 1.660" OD 12 GA and 3 1/2" OD 11 GA galvanized steel tubing. Finished with a baked on powder coating. f) END CAP: Aluminum. Finished with a baked on powder coating. g) 15' X 19' SHADEPLAY CANO: Monofilament and tape construction high density polyethylene knitted shade fabric with vinyl covered galvanized cables and galvanized turnbuckles. Performance Specification: Shade Canopy shall withstand uplift values of 19.63 PSF at a maximum of 90 MPH wind speed. 24" TRANSITION STAIR W/BARRIERS a) CASTING, S3 STRAIGHT BRAC: A356-T6 Aluminum, Heat-Treated. Finished with baked on powder coating. b) 24" TRANSITION BARRIER: One piece all welded construction consisting of 1.315" OD x 12 GA & 1.029" OD x 12 GA galvanized steel tubing, malleable iron plug and 10 GA galvanized steel plate. Finished with a baked on powder coating. c) TOP STAIR BARRIER, S3: One piece all welded construction consisting of 1.315" OD x 12 GA & 1.029" OD x 12 GA galvanized steel tubing and 10 GA galvanized steel plate. Finished with a baked on powder coating. d) BOTTOM STAIR TRANSITION B: One piece all welded construction consisting of 1.315" OD x 12 GA & 1.029" OD x 12 GA galvanized steel tubing and 10 GA galvanized steel plate. Finished with a baked on powder coating. e) 24" ACCESSIBLE STAIRS: One piece all welded construction consisting of 12 GA HRPO steel surfaces, sides, and gussets. PVC coated after fabrication. 8" CLOSURE PLATE a) RECT CLOSURE PLATE: 14 GA galvanized steel plate finished with a baked on powder coating.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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10301 S Park St, River Ridge, LA

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