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Site work and outdoor lighting for a municipal facility in North Plainfield, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility; and for outdoor lighting for a municipal facility.

The Shiloh Baptist Church, Plainfield, New Jersey, Union County, REQUEST FOR Electrical Site Lighting Installation at one (1) location of a multiple site project for qualified Electrical Contractors Licensed in the State of New Jersey. Interested contractors with a minimum of five years experience in the trade with proper insurance in installing above mentioned site lighting are invited to submit proposals. *Please enter the facility in the rear of the building located on West Fifth Street directly across from St. Mary's Church parking lot. For further inquiries, please call 908-754-3353 x 116 or email The project's scope of work involves the installation of lighting at the church's corner lot located at the southeast corner of West 4th Street and Plainfield Avenue. Construction documents will require filing with the appropriate authorities that have jurisdiction upon the selection of the contractor based on evaluation criteria to be provided with the bid documents. The contract will be awarded to the qualified and responsible contractor who submits the lowest bid and meets the necessary criteria. Performance bonds will also be required for this proposal. Shiloh Baptist Church reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or waive any informality in the proposals. Please be advised that federal funds through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) are being used for this project. All bidders must conform to the intention and provisions of Affirmative Action in Public Contracts Laws of the State of New Jersey ad are required to comply with Davis-Bacon and Related Acts using Wage Determination Number NJ180002 09/07/2018 NJ2 and must have a State Registration Number.




Public - State/Provincial

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 13, 2018

December 13, 2018


Multiple Locations, North Plainfield, NJ

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