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Published September 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Decatur, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY* FAR5 AWARD NUMBER* 36C24722C0183 MODIFICATION NUMBER AWARD AMOUNT* $4,982,888.34 LINE ITEM NUMBER AWARD DATE (MM-DD-YYYY)* 09-26-2022 AWARDEE NAME* CONTRACTOR'S UEI SPEES-HERNANDEZ JV 2, LLC WYSNYEYBGY91 AWARDEE ADDRESS LINE 1* AWARDEE ADDRESS LINE 2* AWARDEE ADDRESS LINE 3* 625 1ST AVE STE 301 AWARDEE ADDRESS LINE 4* AWARDEE CITY SEATTLE AWARDEE STATE WA AWARDEE ZIP CODE 98104 Notice of Task Order Solicitation VISN 7 MATOC Solicitation # 36C24722B0020 The purpose of this project is to correct needed critical failing roofing deficiencies for the Atlanta VAHCS. The investment will correct numerous identified failing roof conditions ( F and D conditions) as identified in the most recent FCA report. This project location is across several roofs inclusive mainly of Building 1 (Main Hospital) as well as Building T13 Research). The roofing project will address leaking roofs, poor roof conditions, roofs beyond their useful life, rusted and corroded roofing, lacking roof edge fall protection, failed roof pads and membranes, water infiltration issues, missing and damaged ventilation, and more identified failing facility conditions. Functions included in the project directly include engineering and maintenance, however all aspects of staff and patient care will be impacted by the improvement/repair of identified roofing issues. The project will not create any new, renovated, or demolished space. Additionally, no additional parking spaces are included in the project (surface or structure). The project will greatly impact the VA Health Care System by addressing severe leaking issues and roofing concerns as identified by the most recent FCA report. Correction of such roofing failures will ensure ongoing use of existing space and alleviate patient and staff safety concerns. Budget: 1-2M *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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1670 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, GA

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