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Published June 12, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Thorold, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

This contract is for the supply of all labour, equipment, and materials required to complete the construction of Phase 1 of the landfill infrastructure upgrades at the Humberstone Landfill; including the installation and commissioning of Phase 2 of the landfill gas system and a portion of the landfill gas header, installation and commissioning of wireless infrastructure, connection of three pumping stations to the SCADA system, and installation of landscape plantings to screen views of the expanded landfill. One new manhole will be installed and connected to the existing leachate collection system. - Develop, implement, and maintain a Site specific Health and Safety Plan, Environmental Control and Protection Plan, Construction Sequencing Plan, and Site-specific Odour Control Plan. - Excavate approximately 22,500 cubic metres of waste from Phase 2 landfill gas area, haul waste to active landfill. - Construct, test and commission Phase II of the Landfill Gas Collection and Control System ("LGCCS"); consisting of approximately 3,600 m of horizontal gas and leachate collectors installed in the western area of the existing landfill, 1,100 m of perimeter header pipe, 3 condensate traps, condensate forcemains, 6 valve chambers, power and controls for condensate traps and connection of the new system to the existing operating LGCCS. - Install approximately 25 m of PVC pipe to at stub end at one new 1200mm diameter manhole south of the existing leachate collection system ("LCS") for the future connection of Pond 3 to the LCS. - Install test and commission three leachate pumping station control panels, flow meters and submersible level transmitters and connect the pumping stations to the SCADA system. - Install, inspect and warranty of landscape plantings on the visual berm north of the landfill and in St. George Park, to the north of the Site, in order to screen the views of the expanded landfill, including, topsoil and finish grading, planting, and hydraulic seeding. - Overall Site restoration and landscaping in work areas. - Miscellaneous Site work, including excavation, grading, clearing, fencing, and final cover restoration as required. - Commissioning and startup of LGCCS and control panels. - Providing operational assistance to the Region during start up, commissioning, testing and initial operating periods of all equipment and processes installed under this Contract. More information may be obtained at: https://niagararegion.bidsandtenders.ca




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To Be Determined, Thorold, ON

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