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Published November 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a water / sewer project in Norco, California. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Contract Documents, Specifications and Plans for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of construction of Reservoir No. 8, Reservoir No. 9, and the Bluff Street Pump Station. The project includes two 1,000,000 gallon (nominal) bolted steel storage tanks, a 2,500 gpm pump station, pump house, piping, appurtenances and site improvements. The project will require clearing and grubbing, grading, paving, and abandonment of an existing well. The project will require connections into the existing domestic water system. The project will require all related work in the contract documents performed to the satisfaction and acceptance of the City Engineer. There are 420 working days allowed to complete this project. Liquidated damages shall be assessed at $1,000.00 per working day. A City representative will be present to summarize the project goals and answer any questions. Sign-up sheet and attendance will be taken. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. The CITY will NOT accept bids from prime Contractor that does not attend the meeting. There will be no follow-up pre-bid meeting for any contractors whom may be unable to attend this meeting. A formal presentation is not planned; however, verbal questions will be answered only insofar as directing the request to the proper portion of the Bid documents. Submittal of written questions following the meeting is encouraged and the CITY will determine if a response is warranted. Response to written question will be in the form of a CITY-issued Addendum as identified elsewhere in the Specifications. Any Contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State NB-1 Labor Code. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages, apprenticeship employment standards, and Contractor registration program established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will be also required. The Contract Documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the items of work completed. The AGENCY will retain 5 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful Bidder, the City of Norco will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Government Code Section 4590 and the provisions of the Contract Documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. No Contractor or Sub-Contractor may be listed on proposal unless they are registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. The AGENCY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of 60 days. At the time of Contract award, the prime Contractor shall possess an appropriate Contractor's License sufficient to perform the work. Prior to execution of the Contract, the Contractor will be required to submit two good and sufficient bonds each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price, and to satisfactorily provide evidence of insurance as described elsewhere in these Specifications. This contract is subject to state contract nondiscrimination and compliance requirements pursuant to Government Code Section 12990.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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3998 Bluff St, Norco, CA

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Bluff Street Pump Station and Reservoirs No. 8 and 9

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