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Site work for a water / sewer project in Frederick, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work is located at the following location: Point of Rocks, MD Phase 1 of the Point of Rocks MS4 Stream Restoration and Pond Decommissioning project will stabilize an unnamed tributary to the Potomac River between Ballenger Creek Pike and an existing in-line stormwater management pond within the Community of Point of Rocks in Frederick County, Maryland. Stabilization along the main stem of the tributary will be achieved using a combination of Natural Channel Design techniques along with riffle and cascade step pools. Stabilization along five smaller tributaries/outfalls to this unnamed tributary will be achieved using Step Pool Stormwater Conveyance techniques. This project is part of Frederick County's Capital Improvement Project and will help meet the watershed restoration and impervious area reduction requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Frederick County is obtaining all applicable project permits. It shall be the successful contractor's responsibility to provide all other applicable trade permits. ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE: Advertisement: Early January 2019 Award: March/April 2019 Notice to Proceed: April/May 2019 (180 Calendar Day duration Substantial Completion: NLT November 2019 1. The contractor is to provide before and after photos of any areas that could be damaged during construction including, but not limited to: pavement, curbs, asphalt trails, sidewalks, CMP pipe, etc. 2. The contractor is responsible for the design and installation of the bridge and its structural abutments, including any and all required geotechnical investigation. The bridge is to be removed and replaced within 30 calendar days. The bridge is not to remain out of commission for longer than 30 calendar days. The bridge is to be ADA accessible with flush transition between the asphalt trail and the bridge decking. Refer to the project specifications for details. 3. The contractor is not to use any of the parking lots for staging of equipment or materials including the construction trailer. All parking lots are to remain open throughout the duration of the project. 4. The asphalt trail between Brookshire Run and the soccer fields is to be closed during the duration of the project. 5. Refer to sheet 32 of the construction documents for homeowner/private property coordination. Orange construction fence is to be installed before the removal of any fences on private property. Removal of any and all private fencing must be coordinated with the Project Manager, Tyler Muntz 301-600-2959, prior to removal. The project manager will coordinate with the homeowner to make sure pets are secured during fence removal. Presentation of bids shall be in strict accordance with the Instructions to Bidders included in the project Specifications (Section 00100). Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Frederick County and identified as Bid Number 18-363-CP in one envelope which includes: Bid Proposal (Bid Forms Section 00200) Section 00200A - Schedule of Prices Section oo200B Schedule of Unit Contingent Item Prices Bidder Certification of Work Capacity Affidavit of Qualification to Bid Certificate of Compliance with Regulation 1-2-36 Affidavit Bid Security The Bidder's Name and address should be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. Frederick County initiated the use of a new procurement system on July 1, 2017. Bid announcements continue to be performed using the legacy system and documents can be obtained as described below. Bid documents may be obtained as follows: If you are already a registered vendor on the Frederick County Procurement & Contracting website, go to Purchasing Current Solicitations page at electronically. If you are not yet a registered vendor on the Frederick County Procurement & Contracting website, go to the vendor registration page at: electronically and follow the instructions to register. When you have completed the registration, go to the Procurement & Contracting Current Solicitations page identified above to download a copy of the bid. Supplier registration in Frederick County's new procurement system is strongly encouraged and is now required in order to be awarded a bid. At a yet to be determined future date bid announcements will only be made by the new system. In order to register in the new procurement system please go to the following web page (note: it is necessary to submit a W-9 with your registration): electronically. NOTICE: CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS, THAT DO NOT REGISTER, WILL NOT RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF ADDENDA; THEREFORE THE COUNTY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAILURE OF NONREGISTERED ENTITIES TO RECEIVE ADDENDUMS. The Contractor shall submit bid security in the form of Bid Bonds, Certified Checks, or Cashier's Checks in the amount of Five Percent (5%) of Bidder's maximum total project bid price. Security shall be made payable to Frederick County, Maryland. Bid Bonds shall be issued by a surety company licensed to conduct business in the State of Maryland and shall be written on EJCDC C-430 Bid Bond (2002 Edition). The successful bidder shall furnish performance and payment bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract and payment of all obligations there under, in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the total Contract Sum, including Contingency Items and any accepted Alternates (if any of these are included in the bid award). Each Bond shall be issued by a Surety Company licensed to conduct business in the State of Maryland and shall be delivered to the Frederick County Procurement & Contracting Department within ten (10) days after Notice of Award of the Contract. The bonds shall be written on EJCDC C-610 - Performance Bond (2002 Edition) and EJCDC C-615 - Payment Bond (2002 Edition). The Contractor shall commence the Work under this Contract per the construction start date established in the Notice-to-Proceed, prosecute said Work diligently and complete the Work no later than 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days from the construction start date identified in the Notice-to-Proceed. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to complete the Work within the time fixed in the Contract or any extensions thereof, the Contractor shall pay the Owners, as fixed and agreed upon liquidated damages, the sum of $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) per calendar day to Frederick County for each calendar day in excess of the Contract Time stated above or as otherwise modified and agreed to by the Owner and Contractor. Both projects will be reviewed and questions pertaining to the plans, specifications, and bidding procedures will be addressed. A site visit will not be conducted by the County for either project. Contractors are encouraged to visit the project sites independently to familiarize themselves with conditions prevailing at the sites. A bidder may be required to submit evidence that he has appropriate experience, and financial resources available to undertake and perform the Contract properly and expeditiously, and any other information that may be required to indicate his ability to fulfill the Contract. This may include, but not be limited to, submission of at least three similar projects performed within the last three years (including the name of the Owner and the name and telephone number of an authorized representative of the Owner familiar with the project). It is the intent of the Owners to award the construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, complying with all the provisions of the Instructions to Bidders, provided the bid price is reasonable and it is to the interest of the Owner to accept it. Frederick County, Maryland reserves the right to cancel the project, at no penalty, up to the issuance of the "Notice to Proceed". Frederick County, Maryland or its authorized agent(s) reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or deficiency in bids received, whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of the County. Frederick County, Maryland also reserves the right to reject the bid of a Bidder who has previously failed to perform properly or to complete, on time, contracts of a similar nature, or the bid of a Bidder, who after investigation, is not in a position to perform the Contract. As a condition of award the successful Bidder will be required to submit bonds and insurance prior to the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute abandonment of the Bid by the Bidder and forfeiture of the bid security. The bid may then be awarded to the next lowest bidder. The County's Bid Protest Procedure may be accessed at: electronically Frederick County Government does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age and disability in employment or the provision of services. Individuals requiring special accommodations are requested to contact the Purchasing Department at (301) 600-1067 (Voice), or (301) 600-1672 (Voice/TDD) to make arrangements no later than ten (10) working days prior to the meeting. All communications relative to the bid for this Work shall be directed to Justin Hedges (301- 600-1002), Procurement Team Manager prior to the opening of Bids. All questions relating to interpretation of the Contract Documents or requests for clarification must be submitted in writing. E-mail: or Fax 301-600-2521 no later than January 22, 2019.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Frederick, MD

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