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Published March 26, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

The project consists of phased renovation to the aafes pxtra exchange buildings 1712 and 1714 at ft. Sill, ok. Both buildings have asbestos and lead based paint to be remediated. Building 1712 is a one story building that currently houses the aafes general managers offices, overflow storage for aafes main exchange and the cleaners. Renovations are to the interior and entry facade. The scope of work currently consists of a new entry stair and accessible ramp, a refresh of finishes throughout the gm offices, additional gm offices for support staff, a completely new men's and women's customer restrooms, three new food concepts, a food court seating area, relocation of the cleaners, mcss, stripes (alterations), a cryo-therapy tenant, activate dental clinic, and minor spatial changes to existing support functions in building 1712. Building 1714 is a two story building that currently is used for overflow storage for the aafes main exchange. The scope of work for this building will consist of a new roof and minor spatial changes to accommodate storage for the mcss. Scope of work will include minor civil, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and fire protection work. Project bid originally on January 22nd and was later cancelled. Significant changes to the Phasing and Duration have been made for this rebid. It is your responsibility to review all new bidding documents for changes to your work. a proposal bond is required to be submitted in the penal sum of 20% of the proposal amt




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March 26, 2019

May 27, 2019


Buildings 1712 and 1714, Fort Sill, OK

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