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Site work for a civil project in Greenville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a pipeline.

Bids must be enclosed in asealed envelope, addressed to the Greenville Utilities Commission and the outside of the envelope must be marked BID FOR GCP10104 - MEMORIAL DRIVE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT / RFB 20-All Bidsmust include the information specified in the formatspecified in the Instructionsto Bidders, and all Bids must be made on blank forms provided with and included in the bound document. The name, address, and license number of the Bidder must be plainly marked thereon. Oral or faxed Bids are invalid and willbe rejected. Each Bid submitted must be accompanied by cash or a certified check, drawn on a bank or trust company authorized to do businessin North Carolina, payable to the Greenville Utilities Commission in an amount at least equalto five percent (5%) of the total amount ofthe Bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into. In lieu of cash or a certified check,the Biddermay submit a bid bond in theformprescribedinG.S.143-129 as amended by Chapter 1104 ofthe Public Lawsof 1951. Contractors are notified that legislative acts relating to licensing of contractors will be observed in receiving bids and awarding contracts. It isthe Bidder'sresponsibility to ensure and to provide proof of compliance with all applicable licensing requirements. The right is reserved to reject any or all Bids, to waive informalities, and to award Contract or Contracts which, in the opinion of the Owner, appearto be in its best interest. The right isreserved to hold any or all Bidsfor a period ofsixty (60) daysfromthe opening thereof. COVID-19 Notification Greenville Utilities Commission is committed to the health and safety of our customers and employees. We are taking the spread of COVID-19 very seriously and continue to monitor the latest Local, State, and Federal guidance. Our offices are presently closed to the public. We are receiving FedEx, UPS, US Mail. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. Fabricate, install, clean, test, purge, gas-up, tie-in, and commission: a. Approximately 1.1 mile of 8-inch API-5L X-52, 0.322-inch wall thickness, coated steel line pipe by conventional direct burial, horizontal directional drilling, and jack and bore methods;




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S Memorial Dr, Greenville, NC

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