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Published March 22, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Exterior over coating of the existing Wentz Steel riveted tank, approximately 30,000 gallons and 102-feet tall. Each bidder shall accompany his original bid with a certified or Cashiers Check on a solvent bank located in Oklahoma or a Bidders Bond, in the amount of five (5) percent of the amount bid, and the same will be retained by City until the successful bidder has entered into a written contract with the Owner and a satisfactory performance bond has been furnished. The bid deposit of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the execution of the Contract and required bonds. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn statement in writing that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly entered into an agreement, expressed or implied, with any other bidder concerning the price or amount of such bid or any bids, the limiting of the bids or bidders, the paying to anyone any money for promotion expenses, the parceling or farming out to any bidder or bidders or other persons of any part of the contract or any part of the subject matter of the bid or of the profits thereof. Construction, Maintenance and Statutory Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price with a Corporate Surety licensed in Oklahoma and approved by the Owner and Engineer, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, and the bidder shall state in the proposal the name and address of the Surety or Sureties who will issue this bond in case the contract is awarded to him. The Maintenance Bond required will guarantee the repair of all damage due to improper materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the acceptance of the work by the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bidding. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act. Conditional bids shall not be accepted. All work shall be performed, and all construction and material used and furnished shall be in accordance with the Plans and Specifications prepared by S2 Engineering, PLLC, 7633 E. 63rd Place, Suite 300, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133, Telephone (918) 986-1593, and on file in the office of the City Clerk for the City of Ponca City, Oklahoma. Bids will only be accepted from bidders that are prequalified for this contract. Bidder prequalification forms are included in the Bidding Documents or prospective bidders may obtain prequalification forms from the engineer, S2 Engineering as above referenced. Prospective bidders shall submit all necessary information for consideration as a prequalified bidder to S2 Engineering no later than at the conclusion of the pre-bid conference. Contract to be awarded to the lowest responsive responsible bidder after evaluation and recommendation by the engineer, S2 Engineering. The Notice to Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans and Specifications, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Statutory Payment Bond, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following: 1. City Clerks Office in City Hall of Ponca City located at 516 East Grand Avenue in Ponca City, Oklahoma. 2. S2 Engineering, PLLC, 7633 E. 63rd Place, Suite 300, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133. Contact: Srini Sundaramoorthy, P.E.: srini@s2epllc.com


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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February 28, 2019

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2928 L A Cann Dr, Ponca City, OK

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