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Published July 10, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Broken Arrow Municipal Authority (BAMA) is accepting Bids on the following Work: County Line Trunk Sewer - Phase 1: The proposed project includes the construction via open cut and boring of approximately 5,300 feet of 60-inch, 9,400 feet of 54-inch, and 4,100 feet of 48-inch FRP gravity sanitary sewer interceptor pipelines along or near Broken Arrow Creek and 23rd Street, with new manholes and creek crossing structures. Also included is miscellaneous site work, including but not limited to tree clearing, bypass pumping of sewage, reconnection of service lines, seeding, sodding, and bank stabilization. The proposed County Line Trunk Sewer is being constructed to replace an existing 27-inch gravity sanitary sewer within Broken Arrow City Limits. The new pipelines will be constructed from the Lynn Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant to approximately 900 feet north of Florence Street. Contract No: S.1609 Mail requests for Plans to the Engineering and Construction Department, 485 N. Poplar Ave., Broken Arrow OK 74012. In addition, plans are available by paying with a credit card either by phone or in person. If obtaining plans by phone, please have your credit card number and shipping account number available. Plan holders list may be obtained by calling Engineering and Construction Department. (918) 259-7000, ext. 5414. Sworn statement of the Bidders assets and liabilities, technical qualifications and performance in the form of the latest annual report and financial statement are not required to be submitted with the Bidders Proposal, but BAMA may require such statements prior to award of the construction contract. BAMA reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to accept the Bid that is the most advantageous to BAMA. If mailed, please address as follows: Engineering and Construction Department City of Broken Arrow 485 N. Poplar Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 The acceptance and award of this Bid will be considered by the BAMA. The lowest responsible Bidder will be notified within ten (10) working days of the Bid opening as to when this Public Construction Contract will be placed on the BAMA Agenda for consideration.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

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