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Published April 8, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Staten Island, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

Performance Period: 450 Continuous Calendar Days Design No.: D018585 Liquidated Damages: Two thousand ($2,000) Dollars per Continuous Calendar Day $4,000,001 and Above Only those bidders who have been specifically invited by the SCA to submit a bid under the referenced solicitation, will be eligible for a contract award under same. Additionally, to be eligible for an award of the referenced work, the low responsive bidder must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the SCA during the bid evaluation period, that it has successfully completed work on a similar project in terms of cost, scope and complexity Upon request, the apparent low bidder for this project will be required to submit to the SCA its bid breakdown using a Project Specific Template, within seventy-two (72) hours of the bid opening or when requested. Attached, as Appendix B to the Construction Contract is the Phasing Exhibit for this Project. Bidders are to include in their Lump Sum Bid Amount a total allowance in the amount of $12.000 as specified in Technical Specification Section SOI 010 "'Summary of Work", Article 1.03. Bidders shall submit a Lump Sum bid Amount in the form attached as Appendix A to the Construction Contract to complete the project within the "Performance Period" under the conditions specified in the Contract Documents (as defined in the SCA's General Conditions dated October 17, 2016) inclusive of the Phasing Exhibit. Failure to match Exactly shall result in your firm's bid being deemed nonresponsive. Failure to provide a Cost for each Specification Division (Divisions 01 through 14 and Division 15-Fire Protection), as well as the Subtotal and Total Lump Sum Bid shall result in your firm being deemed non-resPonsive. A "Wicks" subcontractor is defined as a subcontractor performing construction work in the HVAC, Plumbing & Gas Fitting or Electrical Trades and (except for HVAC) licensed to do business in the City of new York in that trade The SCA has determined that the work under this solicitation involves HVAC, Plumbing and Gas Fitting anti Electrical Work. All proposed "Wicks" trade subcontractors must be prequalified by the SCA. However, said firm must not be "disqualified", "suspended", or "ineligible", at the time of Bid Opening. Therefore, the Bidder must include with its bid, and in accordance with the Information for Bidders Section, the names of all its proposed "Wicks" trade subcontractors and estimates for each of the trades listed in the previous sentence. The Bidder must complete and submit with its bid the "Wicks" Subcontractor Request Form. (Appendix G). If the bid for any Wicks trade is $1,000,000 or more, the subcontractors proposed for these trades by the Bidder must be prequalified by the SCA at the time of Bid Opening to do work estimated at greater than $1,000,000. If the Bidder intends to perform the "Wicks" trade work with its own forces, it must include with its bid, in accordance with the Information for Bidders Section, its name, the trade(s) and an estimate for the trade(s). Bidders intending to perform electrical or plumbing work with their own forces must be properly licensed to perform this work in the City of new York If a bidder intends to perform HVAC work with its own forces, it must furnish, upon the SCA's request, evidence satisfactory to the SCA that it possesses the technical capability to perform the HVAC work in accordance with the Contract Documents. As a condition of award under this Solicitation, the SCA will require the lowest responsive, and responsible bidder and its subcontractors of any tier performing Work on this project to become signatory to, and be bound by, the provisions of the PLA. The PLA applies to the Work performed under this solicitation and bids must be prepared in compliance with the PLA. All questions by prospective bidders concerning this solicitation should be directed, in writing at least three (3) business days prior to the originally scheduled, or. if applicable, postponed bid opening date to Ms. Lily Persaud, at E-mail: lpersaud@nycsca.org, or Fax Number: (718) 472-0477 and Phone Number: (718) 752- 5852.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City






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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

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58 Summit Ave, Staten Island, NY

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