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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Independence, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

As of 09/0/2021 The contract has not yet been awarded; however, we anticipate starting in mid-late September with final completion in spring 2023. **As of August 25, 2021, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established but anticipated start date is mid-September 2021.** On Monday, July 26, Hennepin County began the three-month road and drainage improvements on County Road 92 between Highway 7 and Watertown Road (County Road 6) in St. Bonifacius, Minnetrista and Independence. When the project is complete, the most notable change will likely be the improved safety and accessibility for people who walk and roll through downtown St. Bonifacius, a release said. People will also notice an improved experience when driving or riding a bike. Less noticeable, but also important, will be the work we do to increase the longevity of the road and reduce drainage issues for nearby properties. Pedestrian access and safety work and culvert replacements first Currently, they are constructing the new pedestrian access and crossings, which include: o New pedestrian curb ramps at Wildwood Avenue and Kennedy Memorial Drive that meet Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards o New curb extension, or "bump outs," at Kennedy Memorial Drive to provide shorter crosswalk distances o Concrete medians on the north part of the Trista Lane intersection and the north part of the Highway 7 intersection Weather permitting, this work is expected take up to three weeks to complete. At the same time, crews began replacing the 13 culverts between Trista Lane and Watertown Road. They will replace the culverts one at a time, moving north to south, to ensure local access. There will be a full closure to through traffic, as noted below. Weather permitting, this work is expected to take up to four weeks to complete. Repaving After all the culvert work is done, crews will repave County Road 92 between Hillview Drive and Watertown Road. Instead of a traditional mill and overlay, crews will use a method called full-depth reclamation. Full-depth reclamation involves removing and grinding up layers of asphalt down to the gravel layer and recycling them with new asphalt. This method takes longer than a traditional mill and overlay but should result in the pavement lasting longer. Weather permitting, these activities will take up to six weeks to complete. 10-week detour County Road 92 is closed to through traffic between Hillview Drive and Watertown Road. There is a detour for all through traffic. The detour for people driving is: o Highway 7 o Westedge Boulevard / County Road 44 o Bartlett Boulevard / Commerce Boulevard / County Road 110 o Watertown Road (County Road 6) Using these signed detours will keep you and others from experiencing additional delays and getting frustrated. It also helps local streets stay safe for the people who live, work and play in the area. People walking, biking and rolling will need to use the detour route or other alternative routes outside of the construction zones. Local access will remain open. During the culvert replacement work, County Road 92 will be closed at only one culvert location at a time to maintain access for residents and visitors within the construction area. This means you will still be able to get to your home, place of work or favorite business, but how you gain access to these places will change as work happens on each culvert. Signage on site will help inform you of changes. You are also encouraged to call ahead to local businesses or other destinations to check on access issues ahead of time. _____________________________________________________________ **As of Aug 23, 2021, the project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** FED PROJ NO. NHPP-HSIP 0012 (319) The major items of work are approximately: 1 lump sum as built; 1 lump sum mobilization; 1 each field office type d; 1600 hour trainees; 9 acre clearing; 9 acre grubbing; 26920 lin ft pavement marking removal; 288 sq ft pavement marking removal; 1 lump sum building removal; 1 each remove box culvert; 24 each remove pipe apron; 6 each remove anchorage assembly; 2 each remove utility vault; 115 each remove delineator; 47 each remove sign type c; 10 each remove sign type d; 1 each remove sign type special; 3 each remove light foundation; 1 each remove service cabinet; 3 each remove energy absorbing terminal; 3 each salvage lighting unit; 2 each salvage flasher system; 1 each salvage cctv hardware; 3 each salvage service cabinet; 2 each salvage sign type c; 1 each salvage sign type special; 1602 lin ft sawing bit pavement (full depth); 910 lin ft remove pipe culverts; 1848 lin ft remove fence; 3593 lin ft remove guardrail; 697 lin ft remove cable guardrail; 9764 sq yd remove pavement; 855 sq yd remove bituminous driveway pavement; 22060 sq yd remove bituminous pavement; 1 lump sum remove cables; 1 lump sum dewatering; 1 lump sum temporary stream diversion system; 6 each settlement plates; 50 cu yd excavation special; 403 cu yd common borrow special (cv); 30 ton haul & dispose of contaminated material; 179999 cu yd excavation - common; 30619 cu yd excavation - subgrade; 31325 cu yd excavation - muck; 19598 cu yd granular embankment (cv); 39492 cu yd select granular embankment (cv); 164262 cu yd common embankment (cv); 811 cu yd aggregate surfacing (cv) class 2; 100 hour street sweeper (with pickup broom); 16034 cu yd aggregate base (cv) class 6; 330 sq yd mill bituminous surface (2.0''); 7234 lin ft milled sinusoidal rumble strips; 1437 lin ft milled sinusoidal rumble strips-cl; 32 each drill & grout reinf bar (epoxy coated); 46831 lin ft joint adhesive; 89 ton type sp 9.5 wearing course mix (3,c); 467 ton type sp 12.5 non wear course mix (3,b); 7421 ton type sp 12.5 wearing course mix (3,c); 3194 ton type sp 12.5 non wear course mix (3,c); 3185 ton type sp 12.5 non wear course mix (4,b); 7962 ton type sp 12.5 wearing course mix (4,f); 790 lin ft type mod p-1 barrier conc (3s52); 428 cu yd structural concrete (1g52); 585 cu yd structural concrete (3b52); 43580 pound reinforcement bars; 178120 pound reinforcement bars (epoxy coated); 580 pound reinforcement bars (stainless-75ksi); 1 lump sum structure excavation; 15525 sq ft bridge deck planing; 14825 sq ft bridge slab concrete (3yhpc-m); 42 each bearing assembly ; 88 lin ft expansion joint devices type 4; 778 lin ft ornamental metal railing design t-3 pc; 2581 lin ft prestressed concrete beams mn54; 447 lin ft diaphragms for type mn54 prest beams; 84 lin ft expansion joints, design e8h; 365 sq yd bridge approach panels; 1 lump sum structure excavation; 1197 sq ft antigraffiti coating; 1197 sq ft architectural surface finish (multi color); 1197 sq ft architectural concrete texture (fieldstone); 2 each 6x4 precast concrete box culv end sect; 4 each 10x6 precast concrete box culv end sect; 168 lin ft 6x4 precast concrete box culvert; 252 lin ft 10x6 precast concrete box culvert; 850 cu yd fine aggregate bedding (cv); 141 cu yd coarse aggregate bedding (cv); 823 cu yd medium filter aggregate (cv); 1053 cu yd structural backfill; 4 each c-I-p concrete test pile 110 ft long 12"; 21 each pile redriving; 4 each pile analysis; 14300 lin ft c-I-p concrete piling 12"; 6 each 18'' cs pipe apron; 2 each 24'' cs pipe apron; 10 each 15'' rc pipe apron; 2 each 18'' rc pipe apron; 3 each 24'' rc pipe apron; 2 each 30'' rc pipe apron; 2 each 36'' cs safety apron; 4 each 24'' rc safety apron; 5 each 30'' rc safety apron; 116 lin ft 18'' cs pipe culvert; 142 lin ft 24'' cs pipe culvert; 30 lin ft 36'' cs pipe culvert; 224 lin ft 24'' rc pipe culvert des 3006 cl iii; 292 lin ft 30'' rc pipe culvert des 3006 cl iii; 1 lump sum drainage system type (b910); 264 lin ft 12'' tp pipe drain; 4313 lin ft 4'' perf tp pipe drain; 671 lin ft 8'' perf pe pipe drain; 8 each 8'' tp pipe drain clean out; 2 each 12" tp pipe drain clean out; 1823 lin ft 15'' rc pipe sewer des 3006 cl v; 456 lin ft 18'' rc pipe sewer des 3006 cl v; 439 lin ft 24'' rc pipe sewer des 3006 cl iii; 2 each const drainage structure design special; 55 each casting assembly; 37 lin ft const drainage structure design f; 61 lin ft const drainage structure design h; 178 lin ft const drainage structure des 48-4020; 14 lin ft const drainage structure des 60-4020; 3463 sq yd geotextile filter type 3; 809 sq yd geotextile filter type 4; 137 cu yd random riprap class ii; 465 cu yd random riprap class iii; 458 sq yd concrete slope paving; 37428 sq ft 4'' concrete walk; 1938 sq ft 6'' concrete walk; 3348 sq ft 7'' concrete walk; 8001 lin ft concrete curb & gutter design b424; 690 lin ft concrete curb & gutter design b624; 346 lin ft concrete curb & gutter design r424; 1734 lin ft concrete curb & gutter design s524; 15 sq yd 8'' concrete driveway pavement; 280 sq ft truncated domes; 1250 lin ft portable precast conc barrier des 8337; 3500 lin ft portable precconc bar des 8337-anchored; 200 lin ft relocate port precast conc bar des 8337; 4350 lin ft relocate port pre conc bar des 8337-anch; 14 each mail box support; 1 lump sum conduit system; 27 each lighting unit type 9-40; 31 each light foundation design e; 1 each service cabinet -type l1; 2 each equipment pad; 1 each equipment pad b; 257 lin ft 2'' rigid steel conduit; 416 lin ft 2'' non-metallic conduit; 505 lin ft 3'' non-metallic conduit; 554 lin ft underground wire 1/c 2 awg; 565 lin ft underground wire 1/c 4 awg; 5854 lin ft direct buried lighting cable 4/c 4 awg; 4 each install lighting unit; 2 each install service cabinet; 30 lin ft 1.5'' non-metallic conduit; 500 lin ft 2'' non-metallic conduit; 550 lin ft power cable 3 conductor no 8; 540 lin ft signal control cable 3 cond no 14; 1 each install service cabinet; 1 each install cctv hardware; 3 each pull vault; 120 lin ft 2'' bored conduit; 29 each guide post type b; 1 each anchorage assembly - type 31; 7 each end treatment-tangent terminal; 650 lin ft traffic barrier design type 31; 100 lin ft traffic barrier design trans type 31; 1 assembly impact attenuator; 1 lump sum traffic control supervisor; 1 lump sum traffic control; 211 each portable concrete barrier delineator; 197 each surface mounted delineator; 24 unit day portable changeable message sign; 6 assembly temporary impact attenuator; 13 assembly relocate temporary impact attenuator; 4 sq ft construction sign-special; 2 each install sign type c; 59 each delineator type special; 714 sq ft sign panels type c; 322 sq ft sign panels type d; 1 each install sign type special; 3 each delineator / marker panel; 8 each delineator / marker sign; 1 system temporary signal system a; 1 system temporary signal system b; 1 system temporary signal system c; 1 system temporary signal system d; 2 each install flasher system; 11 shrub deciduous shrub 15'' ht cont; 150 plant perennial 4.5'' cont; 35 plant perennial no 1 cont; 35 plant ornamental grass no 1 cont; 1 lump sum stabilized construction exit; 1 lump sum erosion control supervisor; 50 each storm drain inlet protection; 18 each culvert end controls; 13907 lin ft silt fence, type ms; 357 lin ft flotation silt curtain type still water; 14497 lin ft sediment control log type compost; 30 acre subsoiling; 30 acre soil bed preparation; 76783 sq yd compost blanket; 833 cu yd filter topsoil borrow; 7277 pound fertilizer type 3; 310 pound fertilizer type 4; 30 acre seeding; 30 acre disk anchoring; 15 acre weed spraying; 8 gallon weed spray mixture; 2498 pound seed mixture 25-131; 72 pound seed mixture 33-261; 579 pound seed mixture 35-241; 60 ton mulch material type 3; 149 m gallon rapid stabilization method 3; 500 sq yd sodding type special; 29986 sq yd rolled erosion prevention category 25; 11686 lin ft pavement marking - late season; 17180 lin ft removable preform pavement marking tape; 31 sq ft removable preformed pavement message tape; 222 sq ft removable preformed plastic mask (black); 250 lin ft 4'' solid line paint (wr); 5380 lin ft 6'' solid line paint (wr); 490 lin ft 24'' solid line paint (wr); 100 lin ft 4'' dotted line paint (wr); 3460 lin ft 4'' dble solid line paint (wr); 850 lin ft 6'' solid line multi comp; 166 lin ft 4'' dotted line multi comp; 460 lin ft 4'' dble solid line multi comp; 3380 lin ft 6'' solid line multi comp (wr); 36 lin ft 4'' dotted line multi comp (wr); 1910 lin ft 4'' dble solid line multi comp (wr); 3860 lin ft 4'' solid line multi comp (wr); 680 lin ft 4'' solid line multi comp gr in; 6710 lin ft 6'' solid line multi comp gr in; 380 lin ft 24'' solid line multi comp gr in; 4260 lin ft 4'' dble solid line multi comp gr in; 7410 lin ft 4'' solid line multi comp gr in (wr); 14920 lin ft 6'' solid line multi comp gr in (wr); 4870 lin ft 4'' dble solid line multi comp gr in (wr); 30 lin ft 12'' solid line pref thermo gr in; 660 lin ft 4'' solid line pref tape gr in (wr); 1040 lin ft 8'' solid line pref tape gr in (wr); 243 lin ft 4'' dotted line pref tape gr in (wr); 240 lin ft 24'' solid line pref thermo gr in; 30 lin ft 24'' solid line pref thermo gr in esr; 69 lin ft 12" dotted line preform thermo ground in esr; 31 sq ft pavt mssg multi comp; 170 sq ft pavt mssg pref thermo gr in; 229 sq ft pavt mssg pref thermo gr in esr; 510 sq ft crosswalk pref thermo gr in esr; Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3). A minimum goal of 14.8% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. A pre-bidding conference will be held to describe the work included in this project and to answer questions regarding this contract. The location and time for the conference will be specified in the proposal for the project.

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Roads / Highways


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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July 20, 2021

September 17, 2021


US-12 & County Rd 92, Independence, MN

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