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Published March 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tempe, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Construction of Tenant Improvements and Major Maintenance Projects. Minor engineering/design services associated with mechanical, electrical and plumbing.The scope of work will vary with each Job Order. Minor design services may be required for some job orders; however, most will be designed through registered professional consultants under separate contracts. For job orders that require design services, the contractor shall seek the services of Arizona registered professionals to prepare plans for permitting. Provide construction services for various projects, including required labor (including subcontractors), materials, equipment, and related services for remodeling, renovations, tenant improvements, and additions, including site work, installation of water, sewer, or other utility extensions. Assist with scoping and constructability issues. Provide detailed cost estimating and knowledge of marketplace conditions. Provide value engineering as required. Provide long-lead procurement studies and possibly initiate procurement of long-lead items. Coordinate with various County departments and other agencies including utility companies, etc. Bid, award, and manage all subcontracts while meeting the County project requirements. Provide quality controls. Address all federal, state, city, and county permitting requirements and assist in the permitting processes. Maintain a safe and clean work site for all project participants, County staff, and public. The Maricopa County Facilities Management Department intends to award six (6) Contracts. Q & A deadline: Mar 05, 2019 7:00:00 PM EST. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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