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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Mesa, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Engineers Estimate Range: $4,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 Install 8,950 LF of 6-inch coated steel gas pipe by trenching and 2,270 LF of 6-inch coated steel gas pipe by horizontal directional boring. Install 4,130 LF of 4-inch PE gas pipe by trenching and 1,375 LF of 4-inch PE gas pipe by horizontal directional boring. Construct a new below ground operating/monitoring gas regulator station near Hunt Highway and Kelly Road. The City of Mesa shall supply all gas materials shown on the quantities list on the approved plans specified by "Gas System Quantities to be Furnished by the City of Mesa". The Contractor shall supply all quantities shown on the cover sheet specified by "Estimated Asphalt Quantities" and all quantities on sheet C4 specified by "Electrical Quantities for Operating-Monitoring District Regulator Station (to be Furnished by Contractor)". All welds on steel piping shall be 100% non-destructively tested per the City of Mesa Operations, Maintenance, Emergency Response and Construction Practices manual. There are existing gas valves that shall be used to shut down the existing 6-inch high pressure gas line near the existing regulator station for the high-pressure tie-in at Skyline and Circle Cross Ranch. There is an existing gas valve to shut down the 4-inch PE gas line at Hunt Highway and Kelly Drive. The Scada equipment shall be installed per the approved plans on the northwest side of the north vault of the new regulator station. The Contractor shall supply all electrical materials associated with the Scada installation up to and including the pressure transducers. The Scada installation shall include intrusion switches and associated conduit, seal-offs and fittings to both proposed vaults, pressure transducers, Scada cabinet, radio, pole, foundation, antenna, solar panels, solar charger, programmable logic controller, switches, relays and associated fittings to make a working system PROJECT LOCATION: Skyline Drive from Circle Cross Ranch subdivision to Kelly Drive and Kelly Drivefrom Skyline Drive to Hunt Highway, Pinal County, Arizona.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City




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Multiple Locations, Mesa, AZ

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