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Published June 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Monticello, Arkansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

https://trn.trains.com/news/news-wire/2020/09/17-six-rail-projects-among-58-receiving-build-grant-capital-funding $4 million for the U.S. Route 278-State Highway 83 connector in Montecello, Ark., which includes a grade-separation project for an Arkansas Midland Railroad line (previously covered here). __________________________________________ This work shall consist of removal and disposal of litter and the mowing and trimming of the highway rights of way for vegetation control. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials to accomplish the removal and disposal of litter and the mowing and trimming for one growing season of the designated areas in accordance with these specifications, plans and as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer is the District Engineer or their authorized representative. A mowing cycle shall be removal and disposal of litter and one complete mowing of the areas designated on the Plans. Removal and Disposal of Litter and Mowing and Trimming of Highway Right of Way The Arkansas Department of Transportation (hereafter called "ARDOT") will receive sealed bids for the removal and disposal of litter and mowing and trimming of highway right of way in accordance with Special Provision for Non-Divided Highways, specifications and information attached to and made a part of this contract, for a period of one (1) year from date of award, to include up to three mowing cycles, with option to adjust acreage and/or renew upon mutual agreement of the parties. All bidders should complete and return the Eligible Bidder Certification (Attachment A) and Disclosure Form (see Page 2 of Standard Bid Conditions -- Item 18) and Restriction of Boycott of Israel Certification issued with this bid. A current copy of the DFA Illegal Immigrant Contractor Disclosure Certification (see Page 1 of Standard Bid Conditions -- Item 17) should also be submitted with bid. Project Location: ARDOT District 2, P.O. Box 6836, Pine Bluff, AR 71611-6836 (870-534-1612) Job No.: 2-601 Job Name: Hwys, 278, & 425 in Drew County Route: U.S. 278 Section: 1S Log Mile: 00.00 to 08.00 County: Drew Route: U.S. 278 Section: 14 Log Mile: 00.00 to 10.60 County: Drew Route: U.S. 278 Section: 15 Log Mile: 01.30 to 23.55 County: Drew Route: U.S. 425 Section: 3 Log Mile: 00.00 to 16.76 County: Drew Route: U.S. 425 Section: 4 Log Mile: 00.00 to 11.70 County: Drew Route: 1-530 Section: 9 Log Mile: 00.00 to 04.48 County: Drew Total Acreage per Cycle = (First Cycle) 179.89 (Second Cycle) 179.89 (Third Cycle) 612.02 Bid prices shall include all costs of performing this contract, but shall exclude taxes (See Condition 5). Bids Will Be Considered for Complete Job Only Bid Bond in the amount of $500.00 required of all bidders at time of bid opening or bid will be rejected. Personal and company checks are not acceptable as Bid Bonds.Performance Bond in the amount of $1000.00 will be required of successful bidder prior to providing goods/services. Personal and company checks are not acceptable as Performance Bonds. ARDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept bids in whole or in part (unless otherwise indicated by bidder), to waive any informalities in bids received, to accept bids on materials or equipment with variations from specifications where efficiency of operation will not be impaired, and to award bids to best serve the interest of the State. Bids must be submitted on this form, with attachments when appropriate, or bids will be rejected. Late bids and unsigned bids will not be considered.Two Signed Copies of Bid Invitation Must Be Submitted. ARDOT - Hwys, 278, and 425 in Drew County


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Monticello, AR

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