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Published May 16, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Bloomington, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 2,490-square-foot educational facility.

Summary of Work: The work includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. On all areas, remove existing membrane, flashings, and wet, damaged, or deteriorated insulation: Include the following quantities of insulation replacement in the Base Bid (and Alternates as applicable). a. Areas A and D: 6,000 board feet b. Area B: 2,500 board feet c. Areas C and E: 1,000 board feet 2. Remove and dispose of obsolete satellite dish. 3. Replace existing roof-related wood blocking slated for reuse if it contains more than 19 percent moisture, shows evidence of rotting, or is otherwise in a condition that provides an unsuitable substrate to receive new materials. Include 1,000 board feet of wood blocking replacement in the Base Bid (and Alternates as applicable). a. Areas A and D: 500 board feet b. Area B: 250 board feet c. Areas C and E: 250 board feet 4. Exercise precautions to prevent damage to the membranes during construction (removal of existing and installation of new materials). Provide protection and a watertight and windresistant membrane condition at the end of each day’s work and before the start of any form of precipitation. 5. Install 1" perlite insulation in an asphalt mopping over the existing or replacement insulation. 6. Install four plies of fiberglass felts in asphalt moppings with an asphalt flood coat and gravel surfacing. Install a two-ply base flashing system at all canted and vertical surfaces. 7. Install new roof drains, overflow scuppers, control joints, sleeper curbs, and pipe supports, as indicated on the Drawings. 8. Install color-coated galvanized iron sheet metal flashings at the details.




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4001 W 102nd St, Bloomington, MN

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