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Renovation of a transportation facility in San Francisco, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

The Work under this Contract is to install new traction power feeder trolley switches at these locations: 1. Mission Street between 4th and 5th Streets. 2. Near the intersection of Mission and Cesar Chavez Streets. 3. Near the intersection of 16th Street and South Van Ness Avenue. 4. Mission Street between Godeus Street and Eugenia Avenue. 5. Downtown Substation, located at 79 Stevenson Street and perform necessary connections inside the following Muni-owned facilities: 1. Bryant Substation, located at 2502 Alameda Street. 2. Civic Center Substation, located at 1150 Market Street. 3. Glen Park Substation, located at Randall and Mission Streets. 4. Power Control Center, located at 2502 Alameda Street. The Work, as detailed in the Plans and Specifications, consists generally of the following: 1. Selective demolition for the installation of work to be performed. 2. Excavating, handling, transportation, and disposal of site soils, groundwater and storm water controls, environmental mitigation controls, environmental management of excavated materials, and imported backfill. 3. Dewatering work, including dewatering of excavations. 4. Shoring for excavations as required by the governing jurisdiction(s) requirements, governing codes and as determined by the contractor to perform the work to be constructed. 5. Demolish and dispose of all materials and other items required to be removed for the work to be performed and not specified to be salvaged. 6. Reconstruct sidewalk and roadway surfaces. 7. Install new pad mounted remoter operable switch units with enclosure and foundation. 8. Install new MUNI traction power system conduits and install new feeder cables. 9. Construct new communication and networking system for new remote switch operability. 10. Modifications of substation and Power Control Center RTU and SCADA systems for new remote operable switch unit points. 11. Coordinating and scheduling of work with MUNI Operations and Maintenance to facilitate the movement of trains. 12. Coordination with other projects working on the site or in the immediate area. 13. Provide traffic routing and associated stripping work. 14. Testing, Training, and Start-up: A comprehensive program for testing, training, and start-up of systems and components installed within the work of this Contract, including preparing operations and maintenance manuals, providing training for City's operating and maintenance personnel and completing start-up procedures and requirements as detailed in the Specifications. 15. Provide as-builts and all closeout documentation. Requirements of Bidders 1. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid for a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code section 1771.1(a)]. 2. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. 3. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. 4. All Bids must be made on the Bid Proposal Form bound with the Specifications for the Work. 5. All Bidders must possess the proper license at the time of Contract award. A California State Contractor's License Classification A or C-10 is required of a prime contractor bidding on this Contract. Each subcontractor must possess the appropriate license covering the Work it will perform. 6. To be eligible for award of the Contract, if it is awarded, Contractor must demonstrate that it has the experience, expertise, financial and bonding capacity, personnel, and equipment to perform the Work. 7. The SFMTA Contract Compliance Office (CCO) has designated this contract to be set-aside for participation by Certified Small Business Enterprise (SBEs) only. Bidders will be required to demonstrate that 100% of the work will be performed by certified SBEs. SFMTA's SBE Program accepts firms that are certified under any of the following programs: the USDOT DBE Program (DBE), the State Department of General Services Program (SBE) or the City's 14B Local Business Certification (LBE) or that receives a written confirmation from SFMTA's CCO that it meets the SFMTA's program eligibility requirements. 8. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. 9. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the State Apprenticeship Program as set forth in the California Labor Code, Division 3, Chapter 4 (commencing at section 3070) and section 1777.5. 10. The Contractor shall submit proof of a current Business Tax Registration Certificate. 11. Small business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award. 12. The Work described in these Specifications is to be financed with the assistance of a grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). All work described in these Specifications shall be performed in accordance with FTA regulations and guidelines The above description of the Work is a general summary only and does not modify the requirements set out in the Specifications, Drawings or other Contract Documents. 13. The award of this Contract is subject to the concurrence of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). All Bidders must certify that they are not on the United States Controller General's list of ineligible contractors. Evaluation of Bids The Award (if an Award is made), will be made as provided in these Bid Documents, provided that, if the City believes that the public interest will be best served by accepting other than the lowest Bid, it shall have the authority to accept the Bid that will best serve the public interest. At any time prior to award, the Agency may in its sole discretion cancel the solicitation or reject all bids received and rebid the Contract or issue a different contract for all or some portion of the Work identified herein. Requirements for Award of Contract 1. In accordance with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 6 and SFMTA Board of Directors policy, no Bid or Proposal will be accepted, and no contract in excess of $500,000 will be awarded, by the SFMTA until the Director of Transportation recommends the contract for award and the SFMTA Board of Directors then adopts a resolution awarding the contract. Under Charter section 3.105, all contract awards are subject to certification by the City's Controller as to the availability of funds. 2. Contractor is required to comply with the San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12B and the provisions of the Equal Benefits Ordinance. The City and County of San Francisco is prohibited from entering into contract with any entity that fails to comply with the Chapter 12B and the provisions of the Equal Benefit Ordinance. To demonstrate compliance, contractor must be determined 12B compliant from the City's Contracting Monitoring Division. Bidder's failure to timely obtain Chapter 12B compliance certification from City's Contracting Monitoring Division may result in Award of the Contract to the next lowest responsible, responsive Bidder, or re-bidding of the Contract at the discretion of the City. 3. The selected Bidder shall cooperate with SFMTA in meeting its commitments and objectives with regard to ensuring nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts, and Contractor shall use its best efforts to ensure that barriers to participation of Small Business Enterprises do not exist. 4. To be eligible for participation in the Contract, each Subcontractor whose estimated cost of work exceeds $10,000 must fully comply with the requirements of the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications (Executive Order 11246)" and the provisions of the Notice to Bidders, "Small Business Enterprise Program," copies of which are attached to and made part of the Contract Documents. 5. A certified check or corporate surety bond of not less than 10 percent of the amount of the Bid must accompany each Bid. 6. The Contract will provide for progressive payments. Liquidated damages for failure to complete the Work and identified portions of the Work within specified times are included in the Specifications, and all Bids must cover the entire Work required under this Contract. 7. Contractor must pay prevailing wages as provided in federal and state law and the San Francisco Administrative Code. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages, as determined by the Director of the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, are available at the City's Office of Labor Standards Enforcement and are also available online Bidders may not contact any SFMTA staff member, other than the Contract Administrator identified, for any reason until after the Contract is awarded. Partial or complete omission from a Bid of any of the items set out in Instructions for Preparation and Execution of Forms, Agreement and Bonds may render a Bid non-responsive and disqualify it from further consideration. The SFMTA will not accept Bids submitted by telephone facsimile, via email, or through online The SFMTA will not accept nor consider a Bid received after that deadline. Postmarks will not be considered in judging the timeliness of submitted Bids.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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