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Published May 8, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Naples, Florida. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of May 8, 2019, they received no responsive quotes for this project. Q & A deadline: Apr 11, 2019 10:00:00 AM EDT The Collier County Parks and Recreation Division (CCPRD) is interested in receiving quotes for a report that outlines options for the Division to upgrade or replace the existing irrigation pump systems. The report shall outline: The condition of the existing irrigation pump systems. The cost to upgrade the existing equipment. The cost to replace the existing equipment with a different irrigation pump system. Some comparative County/City park irrigation pump systems. Summary recommendations based on the findings The agreement term, if an award is made, is intended to be for FY19. Prices shall remain firm for the term of this agreement. Surcharges will not be accepted in conjunction with this agreement, and such charges should be incorporated into the pricing structure. All goods are FOB destination and must be suitably packed and prepared to secure the lowest transportation rates and to comply with all carrier regulations. Risk of loss of any goods sold hereunder shall transfer to the County at the time and place of delivery; provided that risk of loss prior to actual receipt of the goods by the County nonetheless remain with Vendor. The report needs to compare the features of different irrigation pump systems and evaluate the cost of upgrading the existing Hoover Pumping system to the cost to replace the existing system equipment to an alternative pumping system. The comparison should justify if a replacement product from a different manufacturer were a more efficient and cost-effective solution for the Parks and Recreation Division. The report shall conclude with specific, actionable recommendations based on cost and equipment evaluations. CCPRD currently has 11 Hoover pump systems installed throughout County park facilities. These pumps have been acquired "piece meal" over the years site by site. We are now seeking to determine whether we should formally standardize our pump products through Hoover or an alternative system. Hoover provides the Flowguard software that allows Parks and Recreation staff to run the irrigation system without being on site, monitor water usage and determine issues that need to be corrected. The Flowguard system allows for Remote access to complete pump control and protection features including sequencing and retirement controls, VFD operating and setup parameters, status and set up controls for Thermal Protection, No Flow Protection, and Loss of Prime Protection.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Naples, FL

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