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Published May 7, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Bossier City, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

If a Bidder is registered with Bid Sync and down loads bid packages with the intentions of bidding, please call the City of Bossier Purchasing (318) 741-8539 in order to be placed on our Plan Holders List and Bid Tabulation for Bid Opening. Project estimate: $165,300.00. Per RS 38:2212 only the Louisiana Uniform Bid Form shall be use. Louisiana Uniform Bid Form is attached below and should be sent as an attachment if bidder is submitting an electronic bid. Bidder submitting an electronic bid must A secure digital signature obtained from third party is required. Bid bonds may also be sent in paper format prior to bid opening. If an electronic quote is submitted the contractor should include his State Contractors License number when the quote with alternates amounts to $50,000.00 or more. It is the sole responsibility of the supplier to ensure their bid reaches BidSync before the closing date and time. If the supplier chooses to submit the bid directly to purchasing in writing, attached bid form must be used. The bid must be signed in ink, sealed in a properly addressed envelope, and delivered to the Office of the City of Bossier City Purchasing Agent, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, 620 Benton Road, Bossier City, LA 71111 by the "Due Date and Time." The "Bid Number", "The Bid Title", and "Due Date" should appear on the outside of the envelope. All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. Each item must be priced separately. Unit price shall be shown and a total price shall be entered for each item bid. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten and initialed in ink by person signing bid. If there is an error in the extension, the unit price will govern. Bids, modifications, or corrections received after the closing time on the "Due Date" will be considered late and will be considered non responsive. Facsimile or e-mail transmission of bids to purchasing will not be considered. It takes up to one week to set up an Electronic Signature on BidSync. Please remember this when bidding as you will not be able to post a Bid if the Electronic Signature is not set up. Bid security percent:5% All of the Work detailed in this Contract will be performed at the Central Plaza Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Project, located behind the La Quinta Inn at 309 Preston Blvd, Bossier City, LA 71111, approximately 475 lf west of the centerline of Preston Blvd.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

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April 16, 2019

May 16, 2019


309 Preston Blvd, Bossier City, LA

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