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Site work and new construction of a residential development in Mason City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the construction of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

Bids will be considered by the City Council at a meeting to be held in the Mason City Room, Mason City Public Library, 225 2nd St. S.E., Mason City, Iowa beginning at 7:00 p.m., on the 7th day of May, 2019, and will be acted upon at such a time and place or at such later time and place as may then be fixed. Prior thereto, at said time and place, a public hearing will also be held on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of costs for said improvements. At said hearing, the Council will also receive and consider any objections to said plans and specifications, form of contract or to the estimated cost of said improvement made by any interested party. The 27th Street SW Lift Station Project is located approximately 3/4 mile south of the intersection of 19th St SW and South Pierce Avenue, Mason City, Iowa between 27th Street SW and 43rd Street SW, west of South Pierce Avenue. The proposed construction proposed consists of two contracts: Contract I - Lift Station: Construction of a wet well/dry well cast-in-place concrete lift station approximately 18 x20 x17 deep including generator, electrical, controls, pumping system and restoration work. The kinds of materials proposed to be used and approximate amounts are as set out in the Bid Form which by this reference is made a part of this notice. Each bid shall be sealed in an envelope marked "Bid for 27th Street SW Lift Station Project, Mason City, Iowa. Each bid must be accompanied in a separate envelope by a bidding check or bid bond in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid price, said check being either a certified or cashier check, drawing on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States, made payable to the City of Mason City, Iowa, as security that the bidder will furnish the required bonds and enter into a contract within ten (10) working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays, after award of the contract to him. Bidders shall not be permitted to withdraw their bids for a period of thirty (30) days after the same are opened. Work under the proposed Contract shall commence within ten (10) calendar days after the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. All work shall be substantially complete by no later than December 31, 2019. All work shall be fully completed and ready for final payment by no later than June 15, 2020. Substantial completion is defined as follows: All work is complete except for turf restoration and minor cleanup of the project site. The City of Mason City, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Prospective bidders or contractors attention is specifically called to the Mason City Human Rights Commission Specifications which mandates that female and minority business enterprises shall be afforded the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of this project. Prospective bidders' or contractor attention is also directed to the fact that the Mason City Human Rights Commission will notify firms designated as Minority, Women, and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, of this project and determine if they are interested in participating as subcontractors for this project. Prospective bidders or contractors shall then be notified by the Commission of those interested parties. The established DBE goal for this project is 0% of the total amount bid. This Work shall be subject to minimum wages and labor standards in accordance with Iowa State law. By virtue of statutory authority, preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the State of Iowa. In accordance with Iowa statutes, a resident bidder shall be allowed a preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country if that state or foreign country gives or requires any preference to bidders from that state or foreign country, including but not limited to any preference to bidders, the imposition of any type of labor force preference, or any other form of preferential treatment to bidders or laborers from that state or foreign country. The preference allowed shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. In the instance of a resident labor force preference, a nonresident bidder shall apply the same resident labor force preference to a public improvement in this state as would be required in the construction of a public improvement by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. Bidders shall be expected to comply with Chapters 91C and 103A of the Code of Iowa concerning the registration and bonding of construction contractors and the successful bidder shall be required to supply the City of Mason City with proof of said compliance. Payment to the contractor will be made in cash, the proceeds of bonds, notes or project notes, or from the payment of special assessments not pledged to the payment of Special Assessment Bonds, and in cash derived from the sale of Special Assessment Bonds, to be issued in accordance with Chapter 384 of the Code of Iowa, 2017, and in particular, Section 384.68 of said Code, in anticipation of the collection of said special assessments, an estimate of such assessments being on file with the City Clerk, said bonds to be sold by the City at not less than the par value thereof, plus accrued interest. Any deficiency between the amount of the contract price of said improvements and the amount of proceeds from the payment of unpledged special assessments and from the sale of said Special Assessment Bonds shall be paid from the proceeds of the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds, as may be legally issued and/or from such other funds as may be legally used for such purposes Payment will be made to the contractor in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract value, not earlier than 31 days from the final acceptance of the work by the City, subject to the conditions and in accordance\ with the provisions of Chapters 26 and 573 of the Code of Iowa, as needed. The contractor will be paid each month, ninety-five percent (95%) of the engineer's estimate of the value of acceptable work completed at the end of the preceding month. The bidder attention is called to the prompt payment to the subcontractors under Chapter 573.12 of the Code of Iowa. All bids shall NOT include Iowa Sales Tax for materials used in the project. Upon award, the successful bidder shall immediately provide a listing of subcontractors and associated Federal ID or Social Security Numbers for both the contractor and subcontractors. The City will register the contractor and subcontractors with the Iowa Department of Revenue and will provide appropriate certificates to the contractor for distribution and use. The City of Mason City, Iowa reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in bids or bidding.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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April 25, 2019

June 24, 2019


27th St SW, Mason City, IA

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