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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Ashburn, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for paving for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Intent of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to obtain the services of a qualified General Contractor to construct Moorefield Station Neighborhood Park. The Moorefield Station Park is located at Ashburn, Virginia. Proposed construction improvements include ADA accessible rest room facility/concession stand, utilities, infrastructure, sidewalks and trails, pavilions, athletic fields, access road and parking improvements and other improvements as shown on contract documents. The General Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and security of neighboring residents, Loudoun County staff, and the general public throughout the project construction phase. The Moorefield Station Neighborhood Park is located within a residential and school area; therefore, adherence to all local and state ordinances for work hours and noise levels shall be strictly enforced. The costs associated with the removal of any and all unsuitable soils and/or rock encountered below subgrade (as defined in Specification 311000), during the construction of this Project shall be borne by the County. Blasting will not be permitted due to the location of the surrounding neighborhoods and public school. The County requests that the Contractor provide unit prices for unsuitable soils removal and rock removal. Unit Prices shall include the import of suitable material as needed to replace those quantities removed. Unit prices shall be included on the Bid Pricing Page and shall be multiplied times an assumed quantity provided by the County for an extended price. The extended price shall be carried by the County as an Owner's Allowance in the final Contract Price and will be paid to the Contractor on a "per occurrence" basis, with any remaining allowance(s) returned to the County upon completion of the project. This will apply to all excavations. Furthermore, the Contractor will be responsible for the removal of all vegetation as required by the Contract Documents, to include haul-off and disposal. Excess top-soil and spoils shall be removed from the site. Hauling and disposal of these materials shall be included in the Contract. Should the Contractor require the import of suitable materials to maintain the elevations and grades shown on the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs associated with geotechnical testing of the import material, suitable material, hauling, placement, and compaction. The Contractor shall be responsible for all surveying to ensure the project is installed per the Construction Documents. Any deviations from the Contract Documents shall be specifically requested via Request for Information (RFI) submitted to the Architect/Engineer of Record. All deviations shall be noted in the Contractor's "Record Set" of Construction Documents. Upon completion of the project, two (2) hard-copy sets, and one (1) digital copy of "Record Set" Construction Documents shall be provided to the County. It should be noted that the project includes construction activities around and within gas transmission rights-of-way owned by Transcanada, formerly Columbia Pipeline Group. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all construction activities are in compliance with any terms, conditions, and requirements set forth or otherwise provided by Transcanada and/or Columbia Pipeline Group, including, but not limited to, construction specifications and standards, notifications, and inspections. In addition, the County has an agreement with Dominion Virginia Power to provide and install 12 street lights. The Contractor is expected to provide a route to each street light and coordinate and cooperate fully with the utility company as necessary to ensure that the installation of the street lights is accomplished in a timely manner. Lastly, the County will require the Contractor awarded this project to use e-Builder Construction Program Management Software. The County will purchase two (2) licenses for the Contractor's use and will provide training for the Contractor to ensure proficiency as recommended by e-Builder. The license and training will be provided to the Contractor at no cost and prior to the issuance of Notice to Proceed. Further training due to a lack of proficiency will be the responsibility of the Contractor. E-Builder Construction Program Management Software will be utilized for all project management documentation and correspondence, including but not limited to: RFIs, submittals, meeting minutes, pay applications, potential change orders/change orders, close-out documentation, etc. Questions and inquiries, both oral and written, will be accepted from any and all bidders. However, when requested, complex oral questions shall be submitted in writing. The Division of Procurement is the sole point of contact for this solicitation unless otherwise instructed herein. Unauthorized contact with other Loudoun County staff regarding the IFB may result in the disqualification of the bidder. Inquiries pertaining to the Invitation for Bid must give the IFB number, time and date of opening, and the title of the IFB. Material questions will be answered in writing with an Addendum provided, however, that all questions are received by 5:00 p.m. April 19, 2019. It is the responsibility of all bidders to ensure that they have received all Addendums and to include signed copies with their bid


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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