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Published August 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Flowood, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Contract Award Date: Aug 22, 2022 Contract Award Number: W9127Q-22-D-0001 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: E7AWKK3ENR29 Contractor Awarded Name: Duvall Decker Architects PA Contractor Awarded Address: Jackson, MS 39216-4202 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $10000000.00 The Mississippi National Guard is soliciting for Non-Personal Architect-Engineer (A-E) Services in accordance with Public Law 92-582 (Selection of A-E Statute) and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 36. One (1) contract will be solicited set aside for small business for a five year ordering period. One contract will be set aside for small business if there are 2 or more capable small businesses in accordance with DFARS 219.502-2. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this action is 541330. The Small Business size standard is $15,000,000. Small businesses are encouraged to team with other businesses. The A-E firm must be capable of responding to and working on multiple task orders concurrently. As a result of this announcement, the Mississippi National Guard intends to award one (1) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to provide A-E services in support of Air National Guard (ANG) and Army National Guard (ARNG) mission requirements located throughout Mississippi. These are not requirements contracts. The contract will consist of a five (5) year ordering period with a total contract ceiling of $10,000,000 for the entire program. Total contract period shall not exceed five (5) calendar years, plus a six (6) month option for extension of services in accordance with FAR 52.217-8. The minimum total fee guaranteed to the contract awardee is $2,500.00. Order limitations are as follows: The Contractor is not obligated to honor (1) any order for a single item in excess of $750,000 or (2) any order for a combination of items in excess of $5,000,000. Work will be issued by negotiated firm-fixed price task orders. Task orders will be primarily for projects with a construction value that typically result in an A-E task order less than $500,000. Projects to be designed are not yet determined and funds (except those reserved for the minimum fee guarantee) are not presently available. Selection of A-E firms is based on professional qualifications necessary for the performance of the required services (rather than competitive bidding procedures). All A-E firms are cautioned to review the restrictions of FAR 9.5 Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest and FAR 36.209 Construction Contracts with Architect-Engineer Firms. Any A-E firm that prepares a Design-Build Request for Proposal for a particular project will be restricted from participating in any contract or task order for the Design-Build of that particular project. All interested Architect-Engineers are reminded that, in accordance with the provisions of PL 95-507, they will be expected to place subcontracts to the maximum practicable extent consistent with the efficient performance of the contract with small and small disadvantaged firms. The wages and benefits of service employees (FAR 22.10) performing under this contract must be at least equal to those determined by the Department of Labor under the Service Contract Act. PROJECT INFORMATION: A-E services shall include, but not be limited to performance of planning, master planning, and program support; A-E investigative and design services including development of construction documents; construction support; engineering and environmental studies, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation; investigations and surveys in support of the Air and Army National Guard Programs. Typical work may include, but is not specifically limited to: A: the preparation of plans, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates; B: the development of cost management, quality control and quality assurance plans; C: construction inspection, testing and management services; D: development of engineering standards; E: preparations for national design submissions; F: technical, economic, planning, environmental, value engineering and other studies, analyses, surveys, investigations, and reports; G: development of performance criteria for bridging documents for design build projects; H: development of documents to support various government construction programs; I: providing technical support for source selection procurement processes; J: commissioning services; K: comprehensive interior design; and L: provision of program management services. Services may include, but are not limited to, a wide variety of professional services in support of projects for administrative, industrial, and support facilities to meet the needs of the Mississippi National Guard. Various projects may include services associated with Mississippi National Guard installations and facilities, such as aircraft hangars, aircraft maintenance facilities, vehicle maintenance facilities, support equipment maintenance facilities, administrative offices, supply facilities, civil engineering facilities, dormitory buildings, training site facilities, readiness centers (armories), fire stations, security forces facilities, munitions maintenance and storage facilities, communications and electronic maintenance, mobility and aerial port facilities, dining facilities, medical training facilities, roadways, military airfield pavements, site utilities, infrastructure, aircraft fuel storage and distribution systems, and other support facilities. Additionally, task orders may be issued for support services which require A-E Services as defined in FAR 2.101 SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). (A) Professional Qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services; the selected firm must have, either in-house or through consultants, the following disciplines, with registration required where applicable: (1) Civil Engineering including Sanitary Engineer; (2) Architect (3) Mechanical Engineer; (4) Electrical Engineer; (5) Structural Engineer; (6) Fire Protection Engineer (BS or MS in fire protection engineering from accredited institution, PE registration in related relevant field, NCEE or other qualifications as allowed by DoD Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 3-600-01 Change 3, 01 March 2013, Chapter 1-5); (7) Interior Designer (registered architect with specialized experience in interior design and/or state registered interior designer and/or NCIDQ certified interior designer); (8) Communications Specialist (Registered Communications Distribution Design (RCDD)); (9) Geotechnical Engineer; (10) Environmental Engineer; (11) Corrosion Engineer (NACE Certified Corrosion Specialist, NACE Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist, or registered professional corrosion engineer) with a minimum of five years' experience; (12) Surveyor; (13) Landscape Architect; (14) Geologist; (15) Cost Estimator; (cost engineering specialist(s) must be certified by a professional organization, such as AACE, ICEC, and PCEA. The firm's and/or consultant's cost engineering or estimating specialist(s), must be specifically identified and his (their) competence indicated by resume(s). If an individual will serve in more than one discipline then those disciplines shall be clearly indicated in Block 13, PART I, Section E.) Resumes (Block E of the SF 330) must be provided for all disciplines, including consultants. In the resumes under Project Assignments, use the same discipline nomenclature as is used in this announcement. The evaluation will consider education, training, registration, relevant experience in the type work required, and longevity with the firm. (B) Specialized Experience and Technical Competence in the type of work required, including, as appropriate, experience in sustainable design, energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and the use of recovered materials: (1) Experience in design of military projects, including production of programming documents, plans and specifications. (2) Design of government and commercial facilities. (3) Experience using automated cost estimating systems (MCACES 2nd Generation (MII) and PACES). (4) Experience providing Comprehensive Interior Design for government projects including space planning and applicable Code of Federal Regulation rules, pre-wired workstations, furniture, demountable wall systems and knowledge of the acquisition process including applicable FAR and funding limitations. (5) Sustainable design experience in accordance with UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements. Possess Third Party Certifications (TPC) as stated in UFC 1-200-02 Change 03, 07 September 2018, Section 4-3.2 (6) Technical Competence & Experience using DOD UFC and associated UFGS; (7) Technical competence and experience using the International Building Code (IBC); (8) Design and construction experience conforming to Department of Defense Antiterrorism/Force Protection Construction Standards and DOD Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 4-010-01); (9) Engineering experience in preparing permit applications relating to construction projects with the various permitting agencies; (10) Performance of surveying and mapping in accordance with A/E/C CADD Standards and nondestructive techniques for locating underground utilities; (11) Experience with automated design tools such as CADD, design; (12) Demonstrate experience using project and program management tools such as Primavera, Expedition, SharePoint or similar systems; (13) Demonstrate experience in evaluating contractor's submittals and performing construction surveillance; (14) Demonstrate the ability to prepare supporting comprehensive master planning maps and plans using the latest versions of ESRI and ArcGIS; (15) Demonstrate experience with preparing the technical portions of a Design Build Request for Proposal package for performance based design build; (16) Demonstrate experience in design and survey for abatement of asbestos, lead-based paint, and the handling/disposal of other toxic and regulated substances; (17) Demonstrate experience with NEPA, it's process and requirements as well as preparation of required documentation; (18) In Block H of the SF 330 describe the firm's quality management plan, including quality assurance process, project design-to-cost control, coordination of the in-house work with consultants, and prior experience of the prime firm and any significant consultant. To be considered relevant, all experience demonstrated shall be within five years of the date of this solicitation. (C) Capacity to accomplish multiple task orders in the required time. (D) PAST PERFORMANCE: Firm must provide relevant past performance in the accomplishment of similar work. Firm must submit information for relevant contracts and subcontracts including the name, address, and telephone number of references. Relevancy is defined in the DOD guide to collection and use of past performance as information that has a logical connection with the matter under consideration and application time span. Submit information for all relevant contracts and subcontracts started or completed within the past five (5) years measured from the date of award. Firms may include supporting information in the proposal, such as letters of commendation from clients, on past performance on recent similar contracts include information on problems encountered in prior contracts and discuss actions taken to remedy unsatisfactory performance. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry regarding quality, cost control and timeliness of work will be reviewed. Past DOD experience data available to the Government through Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) will also be evaluated. Other credible, documented information on past performance should be considered, except for adverse performance information to which the firm has not had an opportunity to respond. (E) Knowledge of the locality of the project areas within the State of Mississippi. All contract work is to be performed within the State of Mississippi. Address specific knowledge of Mississippi topography and soil conditions, weather conditions, and knowledge of State of Mississippi local building codes and practices. (F) Tie Breakers: 1. Equitable Distribution of DoD contracts awarded during the previous 12 months. 2. Superior Performance Evaluations on recently completed DoD Contracts 3. Extent to which potential contractors identify and commit to small business, to small disadvantaged business (SDB) if the NAICS Industry Subsector of the subcontracted effort is one in which use of an evaluation factor or subfactor for participation of SDB concerns is currently authorized (see FAR 19.201(b)), and to historically black college or university and minority institution performance as subcontractors. 4. Geographic Proximity SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested Architect-Engineer firms having the capabilities to perform this work are invited to submit two (2) completed and bound paper copies, and one (1) electronic Copy (CD) of their SF 330 (Architect-Engineer Qualifications) to: David A. Oglesby, Contracting Officer, USPFO-MS, 144 Military Drive, Flowood, MS 39232. SF 330, most current edition (https://www.gsa.gov/forms-library/architect-engineer-qualifications), must be used, and may be obtained from the Government Printing Office or from the following web site: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/forms/download/116486. Include DUNS number in Block 5 of the SF 330 PART I, Section B. Firms located within the United States may obtain a DUNS number by calling Dun and Bradstreet at 1-888-253-1546 or via the Internet at http://www.dnb.com/. If the firm is located outside the United States, the local Dun and Bradstreet office should be contacted. All fonts shall be at least 10 pitch or larger. Pages shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. PART I OF THE SF 330 SHALL NOT EXCEED 75 PAGES. The Organization Chart required in Section D and the Matrix required as Section G, PART I of the SF 330 may be presented on a sheet up to 11 inches by 17 inches. If an 11 inch by 17 inch sheet is used it shall be neatly folded to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, bound in the SF 330 at the proper location, and counted as one page. Blank sheets/Tabs separating the sections within the SF 330 will not count in the page-count maximum for PART I. A maximum of ten (10) projects including the prime and consultants will be reviewed in PART I, Section F. Resumes in Section E and example projects in Section F shall not exceed one page each. Indicate in Section C.11 if the prime has worked with the team members in the past five years. When listing projects in PART I, Section F an Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) or IDIQ contract with multiple Task Orders as an example, is not considered a project. A task order executed under an IDC/IDIQ contract is a project. In Block G-26, along with the name, include the firm with which the person is associated. A Part II is required for each branch office of the Prime Firm and any Subcontractors that will have a key role in the proposed contract. A firm will not be considered if its' SF 330 Part I is not signed, unless the SF 330 Part I is accompanied with a signed cover letter or a current signed SF 330 Part II. If a firm does not submit a SF 330 Part II with its SF 330 Part I, or have one on file, it will not be considered (FAR 36.603(b)). This is not a request for price proposal. NOTE: To avoid a conflict of interest, any contractor proposing as a prime may not have a subcontractor who is also proposing as a prime. Solicitation packages shall not be provided. SF 330s must be received no later than 2:00 PM Central on 13 August 2019. Regulation requires that the Selection Board not consider any submittals received after this time and date. Late proposal rules for receipt of the SF 330s IAW FAR 15.208 will be followed for packages received after 2:00 PM Central Time on the closing date specified in this announcement. As required by acquisition regulations, interviews for the purpose of discussing prospective contractors' qualifications for the contracts will be conducted only for those firms considered most highly qualified after submittal review by the selection board. Interviews will be in person and will be scheduled approximately 45 days after receipt of submittal packages. All questions shall be in writing as outlined below. Phone calls and personal visits for the purpose of discussing this solicitation with ANG or ARNG contracting/project management and/or engineering personnel are not allowed. To verify your proposal has been delivered, you may e-mail lisa.d.anguizola.civ@mail.mil and david.a.oglesby.civ@mail.mil. To be eligible for contract award, a firm must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) database. For instructions on registering with SAM, please see the SAM website at https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM. Hand delivered proposals will be accepted; however, coordinate with Lisa Anguizola at lisa.d.anguizola.civ@mail.mil and David Oglesby at david.a.oglesby.civ@mail.mil to coordinate access to the USPFO facility in Flowood, MS. SUBMIT QUESTIONS ONLY TO: lisa.d.anguizola.civ@mail.mil and david.a.oglesby.civ@mail.mil. No phone questions will be honored. Questions will be answered in writing and posted to a Questions and Answers document and posted to http://www.fbo.gov. Contractors are encouraged to view the Q&A document BEFORE sending in questions as it may already be answered. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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February 13, 2020


144 Military Dr, Flowood, MS

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