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Saving Project...

Published June 5, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Laconia, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

**As of June 5, 2019, the project was awarded to Raymond's Landscaping LLC for $115,385.70. The project will start as soon as possible and should be completed on November 1, 2019.** The City of Laconia Parks and Recreation Department is seeking bids from qualified firms capable of providing services related to the installation of additional stormwater conveyance, erosion control measures, additional parking and landscaping improvements to Bond Beach in accordance with, and as detailed in, the plans (50LN7.02) developed by Loureiro Engineering Associates dated 9/24/18. The project area consists of a portion of the property located at 478 Elm Street that is owned bythe City of Laconia and the Elm Street School (Parcel No. 321-71-1). The project area is located on the southern portion of this property along the Opechee Bay shoreline and is known as Bond Beach. Presently, storm water runoff in the immediate vicinity is captured in a series of swales that convey runoff north to south along the beach and discharges into Opechee Bay. Some storm water runoff from the parking lot is not captured by these swales and is causing erosion that is creating rills and wasting of the beach. This work proposes 1) to install additional storm water conveyance to capture storm water runoff from the parking area, and 2) to install erosion control measures to protect the sand beach area from washing out, and 3) to expand the existing parking area and make landscaping improvements to the Site.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Laconia, NH

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