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Published March 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Barrie, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Upgrades to Parks in the City of Barrie. The main focus of the proposed scope involves the non-destructive physical conditional assessment of the following asset types: Hard play surfaces (skateboard parks, splash pads). Currently, the City of Barrie maintains and operates one (1) splash pad and two (2) skate parks. These values do not include the Heritage Park splash pad. Play courts; The City of Barrie strives to provide quality outdoor recreational courts to all our residents. Currently, the City operates and maintains thirty-five (35) tennis courts and thirty (30) basketball courts made up of sixteen (18) full courts and twelve (12) half courts. Paved stone, asphalt, wood, and concrete pathways; The City of Barrie currently maintains and operates approximately 74km of hard surface pathways (asphalt, concrete, paved stone, wood) within our parklands, not including trails or paths composed solely of aggregate. This includes the Bear Creek Eco Park and Marina Boardwalks. The scope for this project also includes the assessment of any associated curbs that are adjacent to pathways included in this program, specifically those around playgrounds. Pavilions and Shade Structures; The City of Barrie provides and maintains eleven (11) pavilions/shade structures of various sizes and material builds in parklands across the City. Stairways (including support railings) The City of Barrie currently operates and maintains 21 flights of stairways of various sizes and material builds in parklands across the City. This does not include small steps. TIMELINE: The Consultant has completed a City of Barrie Parks Condition Assessment Study. The study includes a detailed conditional assessment on a variety of assets in parklands throughout the City of Barrie to a baseline of structural and operational conditions associated with these assets. The study will provide the owner the necessary data required to accurately forecast and plan life cycle activities while establishing uniform standards and criteria that current and future assets will be evaluated against to determine Level of Service (LOS). Projects will be identified pending approval of the recommendations. Projects will be followed at the RFP and tender stage as they proceed, no projects will result directly from this report. Coverage is discontinued.

Project Abandoned

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Barrie, ON

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