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Published July 30, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

*Please confirm the General Contractor is to provide the commissioning agent and NOT the VA. The Contractor Provides Commissioning, see Cx specification section. Can the Superintendent act as the QC and SSHO No, the SSHO and Superintendent shall be separate individuals. The SSHO can act as QC; the Superintendent cannot act as QC. Please provide drawings and details for the pre-engineered metal buildings. This is manufacturer specific and the plans detail a general space/functional requirement. The Metal Enclosed Switchgear will have to be ordered through the submittal process. There are no detailed drawings as variations exist between manufacturers. Please provide the site visit sign-in sheet. CO shall provide What is the size of the diesel tank The generator manufacturer shall size the tank for required sizing to facilitate fuel storage for run times of 96+ hours. The tank is dependent of fuel burn rate of the generator. The tank shall be sized per NFPA 99, 101, 110. How old is the fuel in the tank The fuel is not stagnant; we regularly operate the generator. The fuel shall be retuned (filtered transferred) to the VA. We keep a minimum quantity to support required run times. Has the fuel been treated yearly for summer and winter No, the diesel is not treated. 657A4-17-901: FCA Replace 518kVA Life Safety Generator Solicitation is a SDVOSB 100% set aside NIACS 238210 Full solicitation will be available before 6/21/2019 The contractor shall provide all services, materials, labor, supervision, safety, and expertise for items described in the A/E provided Construction Documents; drawings and specifications. The contractor shall provide training, as required by specification, to VA maintenance and operation staff. The contractor shall provide a preventative maintenance document to the VA that indicates manufacturer recommendations for all items within the scope of work. The contractor shall supply 1 additional set of all PM items such as lubricants, fuses, filters, and other required items. System commissioning and acceptance shall occur prior to any training. Commissioning components and functional testing shall be completed thoroughly and witnessed by the COR. The generator shall provide electronic integration into Building Automation and provide reporting systems for documentation as required by NFPA 110. This reporting includes but is not limited to the following: alerting and notification to FMS, fuel levels, battery conditions, exercise schedules, oil pressure, charger status, engine status, coolant level, coolant temperature, history file and time stamp, immediate notification, transfer timing, maintenance log, fuel management and other record management abilities. All NEC/NFPA and other applicable healthcare facility codes referred to in specification or VHA Publications such as VHA Directive 1028 and Electrical Design Manual are applicable to this project and will be strictly enforced. Seismic requirements published on the VA TIL and RP 8 are applicable. Any deviations or work that is non-conformant to standards, regulations, or specification shall be removed and corrected at no cost to the Government. The VA adopts the most current versions of the NFPA and other applicable publications. The arc flash and coordination study shall be performed (stamped) and field adjusted by a Professional Electrical Engineer and technician. Installation of electrical systems shall be performed by licensed or journeymen electrician; provide documentation via submittal. State requirements may be applicable for UST and AST. The period of performance is 365 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed.




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1500 N Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, MO

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