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Published January 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Mount Vernon, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

County: Snohomish For additional information on this project, please direct your inquiries to the Project Engineer: Name: Shawn Wendt, P.E. Email: WendtS@wsdot.wa.gov CL 1 or CL 2 & 4, $3,000,000 - $4,000,000) F.A. No. HSIP0009(081) on SR 9, MP 10.82 to MP 11.17. Contains Condition of Award DBE Goal: 19% Requires: Roadway excavation, and structure excavation and shoring, drainage systems, detention vault, paving with HMA, pavement markings, roadside restoration, illumination, permanent signing, temporary erosion control, traffic control and other work. 41 working days. Involves 124 items. 4870 CY rdwy excav incl haul, 6090 T gravel borrow I ncl haul, 3250 CY embank comp, 91 LF CL IV refinf conc culv pipe, 887 LF test storm sewer pipe, 833 LF sch A storm sewer pipe, 340 CY struct excav CL A incl haul, 2100 T CSBC, 204 EA corrosion resist dowl bar, 1465 SY textured and pigmented cement conc pvmt, 3600 T HMA CL 1/2 IN PG 58H-22, 2340 LF silt fence, 2190 SY seed, fert, mulch, 112 EA sitka spruce, 268 EA salmonberry, 268 EA douglas spirea, 371 EA nootka rose, 371 EA snowberry, 371 western sword fern, 2190 SY fine compost, 3540 SY soil amend, 3769 SY bark or wood chip mulch, 1574 LF roundabout cement conc curb & gutter, 201 LF roundabout central island cement conc curb, 308 LF roundabout truck apron cement conc curb & gutter, 495 LF beam guardrail, 2550 LF temp barrier, 3840 LF plastic line, 11050 LF temp pvmt marking -short duration, 1476 HR traffic control labor, 544 SF const signs CL A, 763 CY struct excav CL B incl haul, 3067 SF shoring or extra excav CL B, 140 LF cable fence, 239 LF coated chain link fence. Lump Sum Bids for: Detention vault, shoring or extra excav CL A, perm signing, temp illum sys, illum sys, temp traffic control, type B prog sch, struct survey, rdwy survey, ADA features survey, just in time training, SPCC plan. (XL6036)(100910F)(21A015)(9742) WADOT - SR 9, Bickford Ave Intersection Improvement *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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WA-9, Mount Vernon, WA

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