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Published September 11, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in N Providence, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

DESCRIPTION: R1 Contract No. 2019-CB-071. RI Federal Aid Project No. 405-421-973. for the Replacement of Hawkins Street Bridge No. 796 project in the City of Providence. County ofProvidence, will be completed using conventional construction while the bridge remains closed. The bridge work shall include the demolition of the existing concrete deck and sidewalk slab, retention of existing girders C&D. which are to he reused in the proposed structure, demolition of the remaining structural steel, removal of the existing concrete abutment cap and complete removal of the existing wingwalls to the limits shown on the contract drawings. The work also includes the installation of a temporary utility support structure for the existing water line, which shall he comprised of cast-inplace abutment footings and stems and a Contractor designed and furnished superstructure. The work for the proposed bridge superstructure shall include the installation of roiled steel beams, repurposed existing historic girders, cast-in-place sidewalk, two bar steel bridge rail and replicated historic pedestrian fence. The work for the proposed substructure shall include the installation of cast-in-place concrete gravity wingwalls. cast-in-place concrete abutment cap, cast-in-place concrete backwali. cast-in-place concrete approach slabs, cast-in-place concrete moment slabs a nd placement of riprap in front of each abutment.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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July 23, 2019

September 23, 2019


Hawkins St, N Providence, RI

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