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Published November 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, outdoor lighting, remodeling and renovation of a civil project in Tucson, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Tracs No 010 PM 252 H848001C Projno 010-D(213)S Termini Casa Grande Tucson Highway (I-10) Location Ruthrauff Road TI The minimum goal for participation by DBEs on this project is as follows: 10.57 Percent Route No Milepost District Item NO I-10 251.80 to 252.90 South Central 11417 The proposed project is located in Pima County on Interstate 10 between Milepost 251.80 and Milepost 252.90, in the City of Tucson. The proposed work encompasses widening Interstate 10 (I-10) to four lanes in each direction and reconstruction of the Traffic Interchange at Ruthrauff Road. 1-10 Mainline will be reconstructed to be at-grade while Ruthrauff Road will be reconstructed over 1-10 including new bridges spanning I10 and the Union Pacific Railroad. Other work consists of re-constructing ramps, frontage roads and local streets, as well as constructing concrete barrier, storm drain, guardrail, granite mulch, landform graphics, signing, pavement marking, sanitary sewer, potable water, and other miscellaneous work. The project will be bid using the A+B method. The Department-determined completion time allowed for the work included in the construction phase of the contract will be 660 calendar days. The time allowed for the completion of the work included in the Landscape Establishment Phase of the contract will be 730 calendar days. The minimum contract-specified goal for participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in the work, as a percentage of the total amount bid, shall be 10.57. To submit a valid bid, the bidder must (1) have prequalification from the Department as necessary for the project, and (2) be included on the project Plansholder List as a Prime. The Application for Contractor Prequalification may be obtained from the Contracts and Specifications website. This project requires electronic bidding. If a request for approval to bid as a Prime Contractor is received less than 48 hours prior to bid opening, the Department cannot guarantee the request will be acted on. This contract is subject to the provisions of Arizona Revised Statutes Section 42-5075 -- Prime contracting classification; exemptions; definitions. No award will be made to any contractor who is not a duly licensed contractor in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes 32-1101 through 32-1170.03. All labor employed on this project shall be paid in accordance with the minimum wage rates shown in the General Wage Decision. These rates have been determined in accordance with the requirements of the law and issued by the Secretary of Labor for this project. The wage scale is on file in Contracts and Specifications Section and copies may be obtained at all reasonable times. A proposal guaranty in the form of either a certified or a cashier's check made payable to the State Treasurer of Arizona for not less than 10 percent of the amount of the bid or in the form of a surety (bid) bond for 10 percent of the amount of the bid shall accompany the proposal. Surety (bid) bonds will be accepted only on the form provided by the Department and only from corporate sureties authorized to do business in Arizona. On an experimental basis, the Department will accept questions pertaining to the plans, specifications and bid schedule for this project from interested stakeholders through the Online. Any questions received less than three working days prior to the bid opening date may not be answered. AZDOT - Casa Grande Tucson Highway (I-10) Ruthrauff Road TI


Roads / Highways


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I-10, Tucson, AZ

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Casa Grande Tucson Highway (I-10) Ruthrauff Road TI

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