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Published April 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Working plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of April 21, 2022 the owner has selected a Construction Manager. A timeline for construction has not been established yet. The Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (on behalf of the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development) announces a Request for Proposals for qualified firms to provide Construction Management/Inspection services for the Wetlands Mitigation Project at FDR Park. The property making up the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) contains areas of jurisdictional wetlands and waterways subject to federal and state regulation. This solication is in support of the overall plans to develop a viable wetlands mitigation area to compensate for impacts of proposed and future development of the Philadelphia International Airport. Of specific significance is the recently acquired parcels to the west of the airport and the extensive development planned for this area. PHL has completed design efforts to focus on a development of a Tidal Wetlands Mitigation Project at Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR Park), a City-owned public park located in South Philadelphia. Specific services and tangible work products are discussed in more details elsewhere within this solicitation but are related to the management of the construction effort and provision of quality assurance activities. The Applicant's proposed scope of work should address each objective specifically and describe in detail how the Applicant will achieve the objective, or how the Applicant will enable PIDC/Aviation to achieve the objective. This Section II, Scope of Work states requirements for the project, including the services and the tangible work products to be delivered, and the tasks identified as necessary to meet those requirements. Rights are reserved, however, to modify specific requirements, based on changed circumstances (such as a change in business or technical environments), the proposal selection process, and contract negotiations with the Applicant(s) selected for negotiations, and to do so with or without issuing a revised RFP. The Applicant must provide in its proposal a detailed proposed scope of work showing how it will meet the project requirements stated in this Section II. This solicitation is for the services listed below, including the specific tasks and work activities described. Applicant's proposed scope of work should state in detail how it will carry out each task, including the personnel/job titles (as identified in Section G, Organizational and Personnel Requirements) responsible for completing the task. For each service specified, the Applicant should propose criteria to determine when the tasks comprising the service are satisfactorily completed. Applicants may propose additional or revised tasks and activities but should explain why each is necessary to achieve the project objectives. The Applicant shall propose a project team consisting of members of its staff and any subconsultants that, in total, have all the disciplines required to complete the project requirements. The proposed project team shall include construction managers, resident engineers, inspectors, and other professional staff with the pertinent expertise required to undertake and complete the work. The Applicant, in coordination with its subconsultants and project team, shall provide the services essential to completion of the project.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1500 Pattison Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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