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Published December 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Atlanta, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a 416,500-square-foot educational facility; for the construction of a 400-space parking garage; for paving for a parking garage; and retail development.

The scope of this project include, but are not limited to, the following: site work, paving, and new construction and renovation of a 416,500-square-footeducational facility and associated 400-space parking garage and rfetail development As of December 23, 2024, the project is currently on hold. At this time, it has not been confirmed if the project will move forward with awarding from bids already received or if the project will be rebid. The Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC), as "Owner", on behalf of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia ("Using Agency" or ''BOR''), is seeking statements of qualifications from firms interested in providing construction management at-risk services for a project known as Project No. J-348. Expansion of Tech Square, Phase IIIB, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Expansion of Tech Square, Phase III project is compromised of the design and construction of 2 distinct towers (14 and 18 floors) that is approximately 416,500 GSF to house the expansion of the Scheller College of Business (SCOB), Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE), economic and business development programs, classrooms, retail, and parking. The scope of the Expansion of Tech Square, Phase IIIA project consists of the design and construction the building's core and shell, and the interior buildout of portions of instructional space, building support, sitework and retail shell. This project is in the design development stage and is funded through Public Private Venture (PPV). The scope of Phase IIIB (subject of this RFQ/RFP) consists of the interior buildout of the remaining shelled interior space compromised of approximately 175,000 GSF; housing program areas related to SCOB, ISyE, and components of instructional space of the building. For a full building program for Phases IIIA & IIIB, see Exhibit D Please see the document titled "Definition of Core & Shell" attached hereto as Exhibit E and "MEPLV Scope Clarification Narrative" attached hereto as Exhibit F for more information regarding the specific components of Phase IIIB Buildout. The intent for the Phase IIIB interior buildout of the shelled spaces is to work seamlessly with the Phase IIIA design language. The design of Phase IIIB should be economical, durable, and full of delight that highlights specific programs in a focused thoughtful manner. Interiors should give function and identity to the user groups while working harmoniously with the building architecture and infrastructure. Long life, loose fit, and low energy is a priority idea as Phase IIIB will be long-term owner occupied that must be flexible for changing needs and users Deadline for finalist submission of written questions and requests for clarification 4/18/23 2:00 PM Deadline for submission of written question 3/21/23 2:00 PM. The deadline for submission of questions relating to the RFQ is the time and date shown in the Schedule of Events shown above. All relevant and significant questions that have been submitted in writing prior to the deadline will be compiled, and answers will be posted to the project information on the website . Questions from Construction Professionals about any aspect of the RFP, or the project, shall be submitted in writing (e-mail is preferable) to: Christy Sanders, Procurement Representative e-mail: christy.sanders@gsfic.ga.gov




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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