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Saving Project...

Published October 9, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Ellsworth, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a 28,348-square-foot sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The County of Hancock will receive bids for approximately 26,748 square feet of parking lot expansion which consists of clearing, filling and ditching a new 10,700 sq. ft. new cleared area, filling and ditching an existing 16,048 sq. ft. cleared area and resurfacing the existing 1600 sq. ft. of existing parking area, at the Nicatous Parking Lot in Unorganized Township #3. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and/or all bids. For additional information contact: Millard Billings, Unorganized Territory Supervisor, 50 State Street Suite #7, Ellsworth, Maine 04605. Telephone 667-6885 or cell 812-2383. CLEARING: Clearing shall consist of cutting and disposing of all trees, down timber, brush, bushes, and debris within the designated limits as shown on the attached "Plan of Parking Area for Hancock County" in the area labeled "New Gravel Parking", 10,700 square feet and designated at the site with grade stakes and surveyor's ribbon. All brush, timber, logs and other woody debris shall be disposed of by the Contractor using approved methods. FILL: The 10,700 square foot "new gravel area" shall be filled with common or granular borrow to an elevation of 18 inches below the existing "gravel parking area" surface. SHOULDERS: Shall be sloped at a 2:1 ratio (every 2 feet horizontal the rise shall not exceed 1 foot). DITCHES: Shall be installed at the base of the shoulder and sloped to allow surface water to drain naturally away from the parking area. BACKSLOPES: Shall be sloped at a 2:1 ratio (every 2 feet horizontal the rise shall not exceed 1 foot). SUBGRADE: The 10,700 square foot "new gravel area" shall have 18 inches of 2 inch minus added over the fill. The 16,048 square foot "existing cleared area" shall have any topsoil removed and 2 inch minus added to the elevation of the existing parking area. FINISH GRADE: The entire 42,748 square foot area shall have 4 inches of 1 inch minus added and be graded at a 1/2 per 1 foot slope, towards the ditches.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Ellsworth, ME

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