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Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Florence, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; and for the construction of a bridge / tunnel. FLORENCE -- There won't be a new Gila River bridge in 2021, but the new year will still see its share of major infrastructure projects with lasting benefits, Town Manager Brent Billingsley said. The town has been working with the Arizona Department of Transportation and consultants on the bridge for a couple of years. It was originally planned for 2021, then ADOT moved its funding out to 2023. Then in the last couple of months, the schedule changed again for 2022. "They are in the design phase now," Billingsley said. Besides a nice-looking, functional and modern bridge, "the whole flood plain and floodway has been re-analyzed," he said. "There's going to be a lot of work done to make sure the bridge is protected from scour (erosion) and is going to be there for the next 100 years." It will also have the pedestrian walkway that the town pushed for, he said. The town worked with ADOT and its partners on an alternative to months of traffic closure, and the result is a "bridge slider" concept. "They will physically construct the bridge off-site and they'll slide it into place on the bridge piers and abutments, which will significantly reduce the construction time and we'll be able to have traffic passing through on State Route 79 for most of the construction." A closure will still be necessary for two weeks or so, "but that is a significant improvement to what was originally planned, and we're excited about the partnership," Billingsley said. "We're excited about the opportunity to get a new bridge in place, and have that be an attractive and functional design." Also in the design phase with construction anticipated in 2022 is the town's first roundabout. It will replace the odd intersection of State Routes 287 and 79B. "We're hoping to have design completed sometime in the summer of 2021; construction should begin in 2022. I think it's going to be a very functional, very attractive, very safe design," Billingsley said. ADOT is currently at work on cultural resources at the site and looking at property that may need to be acquired for right of way. Among major projects set to happen in 2021, the town was recently awarded two large infrastructure loans from the Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority and will complete upgrades at the town's south wastewater treatment plant. The north wastewater plant, due to condition and age, will be converted to a lift station and a force main will run across the Gila River so that waste from the Five Parks over-55 community can be treated at the south plant. The town is further planning to replace an existing water well, connect the new well to the north side of the river and build a new storage tank. In the next week or so, the town will begin $900,000 in downtown water main improvements in conjunction with Pinal County. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tracs No 079 PN 135 F010201D Proj No STBGP -079-A(210)T Termini Oracle Junction - Florence Highway (SR 79) Location Gila River Bridge, Structure # 501 The Arizona Department of Transportation is soliciting Statements of Qualifications from experienced contractors for a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract under ARS 28-7366. The location and description of the proposed work are as follows: The proposed CMAR project is located in Pinal County, Arizona, on State Route 79 at Milepost 135.54; approximately 2.70 miles north of the SR 79 / SR 287 Interchange and north of the Town of Florence. The work consists of removing the existing bridge and replacing with a new wider bridge. Widening the shoulders in the immediate vicinity of the new structure and replacement of the barrier to align with the new structure and widening the roadway approaches each side of the bridge and other related work. The Department is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) for a Preconstruction Services contract with the potential for continuing to a second contract for construction of all or part of the work. The minimum contract-specific goal for participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in the work, as a percentage of the total GMP, will be established during the Preconstruction Phase of the project. In order to submit a Statement of Qualifications, interested Proposers must (1) have prequalification with the Department as necessary for the project, and (2) be included on the project Planholders List as a Prime. If the Proposer is a consortium, all members shall be pre-qualified with the Department. A member's share of a consortium may not exceed its pre-qualification limit. Proposers that are not pre-qualified shall submit the prequalification application a minimum of five calendar days prior to the submittal of SOQ. Firms proposing as a joint venture shall submit their joint venture application a minimum of five calendar days prior to the SOQ due date to Contracts and Specifications Section. Contractor Pre-qualification information may be obtained through Contracts and Specifications Section. To submit a Statement of Qualifications for this project, please email the following to Name (must be the individual who will be uploading documents); Email address of this individual; Firm Name, Address and Telephone Number; and ADOT Project Number. The Subject Line of the email should state "ShareFile Access Request - Project F010201D". After approval, an email will be sent with instructions to access the ECS ShareFile site where the Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted. Firms who intend to submit an SOQ for this proposed project shall register with ECS ShareFile no later than Thursday, September 05, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. Arizona Time. Any request to register with ECS ShareFile after Thursday, September 05, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. Arizona Time is not guaranteed to be reviewed by the SOQ Due Date. This contract is subject to the provisions of Arizona Revised Statutes Section 42-5075 --Prime contracting classification; exemptions; definitions. The Preconstruction Services Contract will not be awarded to any contractor who is not a duly licensed contractor in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes 32-1101 through 32-1170.03. All labor employed in the Construction Phase of this project shall be paid in accordance with the minimum wage rates shown in the General Wage Decision at the time of acceptance of the GMP by the Department. These rates have been determined in accordance with the requirements of the law and issued by the Secretary of Labor for this project. The wage scale is on file in Contracts and Specifications Section and copies may be obtained at all reasonable times. Pricing information of any nature shall not be included with the Statement of Qualifications. Interviews will be conducted with three to five firms. The Department will select three firms to be placed on the final list. Negotiations will start with the highest ranking firm from the final list. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. All questions shall be directed to Sarker Rahman, Contracts and Specifications, AZDOT - RFQ Construction Manager at Risk - Oracle Junction - Florence Highway (SR 79) Gila River Bridge, Structure # 501
Bridges / Tunnels
Public - State/Provincial
Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work
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AZ-79, Florence, AZ
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