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Site work for a road / highway in Phoenix, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

As of April 9, 2024, an engineering firm has been awarded and is currently awaiting Notice to Proceed. The City reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible responsive bidder or all bids will be rejected, as soon as practicable after the date of opening bids It is the responsibility of the bidder to determine whether it has the appropriate contracting licenses to perform the work. The City will make the award, if any, to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder who has the proper licenses. For all projects except Federal-aid funded projects, the bidder must have the proper licenses at the time the bid is submitted to the City. On Federal-aid funded projects, the bidder is not required to have the licenses at the time of bidding, but it must procure the licenses before award can be made, and no later than 60 days after the date bids are opened. Licensing information is available from the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. The wage rate for the classification bears a reasonable relationship to the prevailing wage rates contained in the wage determination. The project is for the improvements of four traffic signals along Thomas Road and Indian School Road located at Thomas Road and 71st Avenue Thomas Road and 75th Avenue Indian School Road and 51st Avenue Indian School Road and 67th Avenue This project intent is to improve the safety by increasing visibility of the traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalk. These improvements include, but are not limited to, the rebuild of the signals, add signal heads and flashing yellow left turn arrows, crosswalk illumination and American with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp modifications. Signing and markings will be done by City staff. Bidders must submit a properly completed proposal guarantee in the form of certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond on the form provided, for an amount not less than ten percent of the total amount bid included in the proposal as a guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract to perform the proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications Prior to the execution of a contract, the successful bidder must provide a performance bond and a labor and material bond, each in an amount equal to the full amount of the contract. Each such bond shall be executed by a surety company or companies holding a certificate of authority to transact surety business in the State of Arizona issued by the Director of the Department of Insurance A contractors surety(ies), including without limitation performance bond sureties and payment bond sureties A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal of 4.62% percent has been established for this project


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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June 3, 2024


Multiple Locations, Phoenix, AZ

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