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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Anaheim, California. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Account No(s). 542-412-F793-7892, 502-521-3779-7865-1600186.01, 592-412-F793-7895, 528-521-6768-7865-1300665-01 The electronic proposals shall be tabulated by the Anaheim City Engineer and the results thereof reported to the City Council for consideration at a meeting to be held no later than 30 days after the bid opening. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor under them, to pay not less than the higher of the two rates contained in the current general prevailing wage rate(s) and per diem rate(s), established by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California, (as set forth in the Labor Code of the State of California, commencing at Section 1770 et seq.), or by the Secretary of Labor (as set forth in Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. 267a, et seq.). The successful bidder(s) shall be required to enter into a contract with the City of Anaheim, in a form approved by the Anaheim City Attorney. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality to the extent permitted by law and reserves the further right to make an award to the lowest responsible bidder found and determined to serve the best interests of the City of Anaheim. Currently there are three eastbound lanes going from 900' E/O Disneyland Dr. to Hotel way and there is no designated turn lane going into the Convention Center. Katella Avenue Widening project proposes an additional eastbound lane allowing drivers to turn left on Convention Center. The purpose of this project is to improve the flow of traffic on this segment of Katella Avenue. Two electronic Changeable Message Signs (VMS/CMS) systems will be installed to provide parking information and traffic directions for the events in the area. The work consists of removing, widening and constructing the convention center frontage. This includes cold planning existing asphalt pavement, resurfacing the road, removal and reconstruction of ADA access ramps, curb and gutter, driveways, concrete sidewalk, tree and landscape work, adjustment of survey monument covers, sewer manhole covers, street light and the adjustment of traffic signal pull boxes to grade, replacement of water valve box assemblies, coordination of the adjustment of utility structures with utility purveyors, the replacement of traffic striping and all additional work necessary to properly construct the proposed improvements. No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a Public Works project(submitted on or after March 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code section 1771.1(a)].No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for Public Work on a Public Works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5.This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

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W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA

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